Machine Learning With Dual Process Models DIPLOMARBEIT zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Diplom-Ingenieur im Rahmen des Studiums Wirtschaftsinformatik eingereicht von Martin Unger BSc Matrikelnummer 0726109 an der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität Wien Betreuung: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Horst Eidenberger Wien, 4. März 2015 Martin Unger Horst Eidenberger Technische Universität Wien A-1040 Wien Karlsplatz 13 Tel. +43-1-58801-0 Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich. The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology. Machine Learning With Dual Process Models DIPLOMA THESIS submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur in Business Informatics by Martin Unger BSc Registration Number 0726109 to the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology Advisor: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Horst Eidenberger Vienna, 4th March, 2015 Martin Unger Horst Eidenberger Technische Universität Wien A-1040 Wien Karlsplatz 13 Tel. +43-1-58801-0 Erklärung zur Verfassung der Arbeit Martin Unger BSc Alliiertenstraße 5/17, 1020 Wien Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich diese Arbeit selbständig verfasst habe, dass ich die verwen- deten Quellen und Hilfsmittel vollständig angegeben habe und dass ich die Stellen der Arbeit – einschließlich Tabellen, Karten und Abbildungen –, die anderen Werken oder dem Internet im Wortlaut oder dem Sinn nach entnommen sind, auf jeden Fall unter Angabe der Quelle als Entlehnung kenntlich gemacht habe. Wien, 4. März 2015 Martin Unger Kurzfassung Ähnlichkeitsmessung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der meisten Maschinenlern-Algorithmen. Traditionelle Ansätze richten ihr Hauptaugenmerk entweder auf taxonomisches oder thematisches Denken. Psychologische Forschung deutet aber darauf hin, dass eine Kom- bination beider Ansätze nötig ist, um eine menschenähnliche Ähnlichkeitsmessung zu erreichen. Diese Kombination nennt man Similarity Dual Process Model (DPM). Diese Arbeit beschreibt, wie ein DPM als lineare Kombination von Distanz- und Ähnlichkeitsmaßen erzeugt werden kann. Wir nutzen Generalisierungsfunktionen, um Distanz in Ähnlichkeit umzuwandeln. DPMs sind Kernelfunktionen ähnlich. Deshalb können sie in jeden Maschinenlern-Algorithmus, der Kernelfunktionen nutzt, integriert werden. Um die Verwendung von DPMs zu fördern, stellen wir Implementierungen von Kernelfunktionen zur Verfügung. Natürlich funktionieren nicht alle DPMs, die wir formulieren können, gleich gut. Deshalb testen wir die Leistung mit einer praktischen Anwendung: der Erkennung von Fußgängern in Bildern. Wir nehmen an, dass DPMs nur sinnvoll sind, sofern ihre Leistung als Ganzes besser ist als die ihrer Teile. In den Experimenten haben wir DPM-Kernel gefunden, die für die Testdaten eine mit konventionellen Kerneln vergleichbare Leistung erbracht haben. Wir stellen daher einen Baukasten zum Formulieren solcher Kernel bereit, um weitere Experimente in anderen Anwendungsbereichen des Maschinenlernens zu unterstützen. 1 Abstract Similarity measurement processes are a core part of most machine learning algorithms. Traditional approaches focus on either taxonomic or thematic thinking. Psychological research suggests that a combination of both is needed to model human-like similarity perception adequately. Such a combination is called a Similarity Dual Process Model (DPM). This thesis describes how to construct DPMs as a linear combination of existing measures of similarity and distance. We use generalization functions to convert distance into similarity. DPMs are similar to kernel functions. Thus, they can be integrated into any machine learning algorithm that uses kernel functions. To foster the use of DPMs, we provide kernel function implementations. Clearly, not all DPMs that can be formulated work equally well. Therefore, we test classification performance in a real-world task: the detection of pedestrians in images. We assume that DPMs are only viable if they are better classifiers than their constituting parts. In our experiments, we found DPM kernels that matched the performance of conventional kernels for our data set. Eventually, we provide a construction kit to build such kernels to encourage further experiments in other application domains of machine learning. 3 Contents 1 Introduction 9 2 Background 13 2.1 Similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2 Taxonomic and Thematic Thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Generalization Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.4 Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.5 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.6 Histogram of Oriented Gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.7 MPEG-7 Visual Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.8 Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3 Implementation 29 3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.2 Pedestrian Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.3 Classification by a SVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.4 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4 Results 41 4.1 Viability of the Dual Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 Comparison to Existing Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.3 Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.4 Quantitative and Predicate-based Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.5 Statistical Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.6 Constructing DPMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5 Conclusion and Future Work 51 Appendix: Formulas 55 Quantitative Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Predicate-based Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Generalization Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5 Bibliography 59 List of Figures 1.1 Taxonomic and Thematic Thinking (cf. [Eid12, p. 540]) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1 Triangle Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Generalization Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.3 Contours of a Sleeping Cat (cf. [Att54, p. 185]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.4 HOG Algorithm Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5 Principle of a SVM (cf. [Bis06, p. 327]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.6 Linear Class Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.7 Kernel Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1 Implementation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.2 Example for a Precision/Recall-Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3 Examples From the Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.1 Difficult Test Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.2 Precision/Recall-Curve for Conventional Kernels and DPM Kernels . . . . . . 44 4.3 Precision/Recall-Curve for Selected Quantitative and Predicate-based Measures 46 List of Tables 2.1 Properties of Taxonomic and Thematic Thinking (cf. [Eid12, p. 537]) . . . . 18 4.1 Viability of DPMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 Comparison to the State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.3 Percentage of High-performing DPMs per Generalization Function . . . . . . 44 4.4 Classification Performance of Predicate-based DPMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.5 Classification Performance of Quantitative DPMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.6 Classification Performance of Mixed DPMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6 4.7 Classification Performance With a Larger Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.8 Generalization Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.9 Quantitative Taxonomic Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.10 Quantitative Thematic Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.11 Predicate-based Taxonomic Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.12 Predicate-based Thematic Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Similarity measurement processes are a core part of most machine learning algorithms. Traditional approaches focus on either taxonomic (“A and B share properties x, y and z”) or thematic (“A is similar to B by value N”) thinking. Psychological research, e.g.[WB99], suggests that a combination of both is needed to adequately model human-like similarity perception. Any model combining those aspects is called a Similarity Dual Process Model. Even though other, unrelated dual processes exist in research, we refer to our Similarity Dual Process Model as DPM for the rest of this work. The primary aim of this thesis is to provide an implementation of the DPM idea. It should perform binary classification and be adoptable to carry out other machine learning tasks like, for example, cluster analysis, correlation and ranking. The most important question for the implementation is: How can we smoothly integrate a DPM into machine learning algorithms? The secondary aim of this work is to test DPMs in real-world experiments. The selected scenario should have intermediate applications, while still being simple enough to generate results within reasonable time. The experimental setup should be justified - i.e. it should be clear why which decision was made. In addition, the experiments should be easily reproducible for others. The question for the experimental results is: Which DPMs performed best? While answering this question, we have to rule out the possibility that our best DPMs are just a product of coincidence and a search space with too many degrees of freedom. Figure 1.1: Taxonomic and Thematic Thinking (cf. [Eid12, p. 540]) 9 Figure 1.1 tries to develop an intuitive understanding with an example. The triangle on the left side is the reference. We compare it to the two objects next to it. If the focus lies on taxonomic thinking, the triangle in the center is more similar to the reference, because it also has three corners. If the focus lies on thematic thinking, the square on the right is less different from the reference, because it has a smaller height difference. At first sight, the combination of both concepts seems an unnecessary complication. After all, both have been used on their own in machine learning - mainly in models created by computer scientists. Humans, however, do not always use one or the other approach when making similarity judgments. One experiment asked participants to rate the similarity of word pairs on a numeric scale, e.g. (milk, coffee), (milk, lemonade), (milk, cow) and (milk, horse). “As one would expect, similarity ratings for pairs which were highly alignable were reliably higher than for pairs which were poorly alignable. However, contrary to present accounts of similarity, ratings for pairs with preexisting thematic relations were higher than for pairs without preexisting thematic relation.” [WB99, p. 216–217] In other words, humans tend to think that a cow is more similar to milk than a horse is to milk, because the associate a cow with giving milk. If machine learning is used to solve a purely “objective” task, for example predicting the number of newspapers to ship to a certain town, then this finding might be irrelevant. If the task is to model human behavior, for example recognizing pedestrians in images, then this finding (and others related to taxonomic and thematic thinking) is highly relevant. We now have most ingredients for formulating a DPM. One remaining complication is that not all humans use taxonomic and thematic to the same extent. During the rest of this thesis, this issue is dealt with by using an importance of taxonomic thinking factor. The calibration of this factor can be done on a per-person basis with psychological tests. sdpm = α staxonomic + (1− α) g(dthematic) (1.1) Equation 1.1 shows a simple DPM [Eid12, p. 540] with the following parts: • Similarity sdpm • Importance of taxonomic thinking α, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 • Specific taxonomic measure staxonomic • Specific generalization function g (for converting distance to similarity) • Specific thematic measure dthematic The specific taxonomic measure, thematic measure and generalization function to be plugged into the equation are the reader’s decision. Section 4.6 lists some good options which were found during experimentation. Note that, for the rest of this work, we deal with linear combinations of taxonomic and thematic thinking only. Apart from keeping things simple, there is no other rationale behind this choice. It is entirely possible that, for example, a cubic DPM poses a better choice. 10 We close this introduction with an overview of the chapters to come. Chapter 2 introduces the reader to the concepts we need later on. This chapter also plays the role of a brief literature survey. DPMs are a novel approach to measuring similarity. Therefore, we discuss other models for measuring similarity that have been proposed. Next, we further explain taxonomic and thematic thinking and two different kinds of measures. Afterwards, we turn to more technical aspects arising from the real-world task we selected: the detection of pedestrians in images. It was selected, because of its interesting applications (e.g. automatic braking for pedestrians in modern cars, computer games with a new level of interactivity and many more) and because various well-known algorithms already exist for it. For pedestrian detection, we make use of the image detection algorithm Histogram of Oriented Gradients and two other algorithms from the MPEG-7 standard: Scalable Color Descriptor and Edge Histogram Descriptor. A discussion of Support Vector Machines, which are binary classifiers, concludes the chapter. Chapter 3 describes how we reached our primary goal. After an overview, we discuss the implementation of pedestrian detection. Next, we turn to the implementation of measures, generalization functions and DPM kernels. The complete code is provided as a free download. The last part of this chapter is a discussion of the experimental setup. We go through the outcomes of the experiments in Chapter 4. We start with a comparison to existing models and discuss the viability of DPMs. Next, we take a look at the effect of using different generalization functions and different measures. At this point, we are able to list the DPMs that performed best, thereby reaching our secondary goal. Evidence for the statistical significance of the results concludes the chapter. Eventually, Chapter 5 gives a conclusion and mentions promising areas of further research. 11 CHAPTER 2 Background 2.1 Similarity Judging similarity, as a major part of cognition, is very easy for humans. Why, for example, a fir tree is similar to a pine tree, is intuitively clear for us. However, formalizing our similarity judgment process proves to be a very hard task. In the next section, we are therefore going to summarize some influential models for measuring similarity that have been proposed so far. There is no grand unified theory of the human perception of similarity. The complexity of the proposed similarity models varies greatly, while no single model is general enough to be usable for all tasks. Similarity is a relationship between objects. This definition seems extremely vacant, but it is a good way to accommodate the numerous uses of similarity. The exact properties of the relationship are not known in general. As we will later see, even properties as likely as symmetry do not always hold, e.g. an apple need not be as similar to an orange as an orange is to an apple. The type of relationship is also not known in general. Similarity is often represented by a binary relationship. Experiments with groups of identical and differing objects show that this not accurate in all cases (e.g. the experiments carried out on pigeons by Wasserman [WHK95]). 2.1.1 Geometric Models Geometric models were one of the earliest models for similarity. Despite some shortcom- ings, they are still widely used today. Reasons for this are their clarity and intuitiveness. The main idea is to place objects in N dimensions and measure their distance with a metric. The arguably most famous metric is the Euclidean distance: d(x, y) = √√√√ N∑ i=1 (xi − yi)2; x, y ∈ RN (2.1) 13 Metrics used in geometric models usually have the properties of a metric function d : XxX → R. We will later take a look at the evidence against these properties ∀x, y, z ∈ X: • Non-Negativity: d(x, y) ≥ 0 • Identity: d(x, x) = 0 • Symmetry: d(x, y) = d(y, x) • Triangle inequality: d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z) Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) is a more advanced geometric approach. It takes any measure of pairwise proximity as input and constructs a geometric model of the data. The distance between every two objects in the geometric model is related to their distance in the input (cf. [GS05, p. 5]). The main purpose of MDS is to represent proximity data in a readable way. It is often easier to look at a plot rather than all the values in a proximity matrix. Another purpose is data compression. If we have N objects, we need N − 1 dimensions for our MDS to perfectly reconstruct the proximity in the input. However, we can reduce the number of dimensions if we accept some loss of proximity information. Let us look at an example (cf. [GS05, p. 6]). Assume we have the following events: • Similarity(Russia, Cuba) = 7 • Similarity(Russia, Jamaica) = 1 • Similarity(Cuba, Jamaica) = 8 If we build an one dimensional model, we cannot place Russia near Cuba and far away from Jamaica, because Cuba is near Jamaica. However, if we build a two dimensional model, it is possible. MDS provides information about the cognitive process. Often, the axes can be labeled with interpretations. In our example, the labels are “political affiliation” and “climate’.’ The goal of MDS is to minimize the badness of fit between the distance of the inputs δi,j and the distance of the outputs ||xi − xj ||, as shown in Equation 2.2. We could, for example, use a pairwise dissimilarity matrix as input and measure distance between the outputs with Euclidean distance. arg min x1,...,xn ∑ inext() && y=s->next() && z=v->next() do 2 ++hist[getNearestBin(x, HUE_BIN_SIZE)]; 3 ++hist[getNearestBin(y, SATURATION_BIN_SIZE)+OFFSET1]; 4 ++hist[getNearestBin(z, VALUE_BIN_SIZE)+OFFSET2]; 5 end 2.7.2 Edge Histogram Descriptor EHD searches for edges in an image and puts information about them in a histogram. The image is divided into 16 identically-sized blocks. Each block occupies 5 bins in the histogram: 0◦(horizontal), 45◦, 90◦(vertical), 135◦and isotropic (not oriented). The blocks are further subdivided until a level of 2x2 pixels is reached. On this micro-level, simple edge detection operators are applied to the intensity values, e.g. the operator for the 45◦-bin opedge = ( 0 √ 2 − √ 2 0 ) . If the result of the maximal operator exceeds a certain threshold, the average intensity value of the micro-level is added to the appropriate bin. Finally, the bin values are normalized and compressed to 3 bits to keep descriptor size low. As before, the specification suggests using the L1-norm for EHD-comparisons - this time directly with the 3 bit bins. Again, we are going to explore the use of other measures in Chapter 3. 2.8 Support Vector Machines Now that we know how to transform an image into a feature vector, we return to our binary classification task. We could directly calculate distances between a known positive feature vector (e.g. contains a pedestrian) and an unknown feature vector. But with this approach, we have to set an arbitrary boundary and the classification performance would not be very high. Therefore, we introduce a classic machine learning algorithm for binary classification: the Support Vector Machine. 24 Figure 2.5: Principle of a SVM (cf. [Bis06, p. 327]) 2.8.1 Overview SVMs try to separate data by drawing a line between the two classes. If the data are separable in this way, then there are usually many ways to draw this line. The question is: Which line to take? Some algorithms, like the Perceptron algorithm, just take the first one they find. SVMs answer this question by maximizing inter-class distance. The rationale of SVMs is to place this line (i.e. decision boundary) as far away from both classes as possible. This reduces the misclassification risk of new data points. The principle of the SVM algorithm can be seen in Figure 2.5. The light and dark blue points represent class A, while the orange and red points represent class B. The solid red line is the decision boundary. New data will be classified as A if it is below the boundary and as B otherwise. The optimization goal of the algorithm is to select the data points that maximize inter-class distance and therefore span the classification boundary. Our image shows them in light blue and orange. Vapnik, inventor of the first SVM, gives a good introduction in [Vap00]. SVMs are defined by the linear model in Equation 2.7. Parameters ~wT and b make up a SVM model. N training data points are stored in ~x1, ... ~xN with ground truths in t1, ..., tN where tn ∈ {−1, 1} are the class labels. y(~x) = ~wT~x+ b (2.7) A detailed, step-by-step solution is out of scope for this work. It is provided, for example, in [Bis06, p. 326–336]. We find the parameters by formulating the problem in Figure 2.5 as a constrained optimization problem. We use the Lagrange approach and work with the dual form of the problem. Finally, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions help us to find a solution with quadratic programming. 25 (a) Not Possible (b) Possible Figure 2.6: Linear Class Separation 2.8.2 Kernels Ldual = N∑ n=1 λn − 1 2 N∑ n=1 N∑ m=1 λnλmtntmxnxm (2.8) The Lagrange polynomial needed for finding the SVM parameters is given in Equation 2.8. It has the useful property that the data points xj appear only as pairs linked by multiplication - i.e. as a dot product. We already defined the dot product in Equation 2.4. It also has a geometric definition with θ the angle between two vectors, given by Equation 2.9. s(~x, ~y) = ||~x|| ||~y|| cos(θ) (2.9) If we think about the dot product like this, we see that it is a very natural similarity measure. It measures directional similarity of two vectors. Let us look at an example of two orthogonal vectors. Because cos(90◦) = 0, their similarity is 0. If we have parallel vectors ~x and ~y, then, because of cos(0◦) = 1, their similarity is ||~x|| ||~y||. In Equation 2.8, we factor out xnxm and replace it by some function k(~x, ~y) that we call a kernel function. Any function can be used as a kernel function, as long as it is symmetric and positive semidefinite. There is evidence that even the definiteness requirement for kernel functions can be violated, e.g. [OMCS04]. This replacement is called kernel trick. It is an interesting idea for machine learning and works with any algorithm for vector data that can be expressed in terms of dot products between vectors. The data is transformed to a higher-dimensional space to make separation easier. Often, data is not linearly separable in the original space. We can see an example for this in Figure 2.6a. One possibility is to allow some separation errors and include this into the optimization problem with a penalty function. Another approach is to use a kernel function that maps data to a higher dimensional space where the separation is possible. An example for this is shown in Figure 2.6b. Using kernel functions is a simple and efficient way to add non-linearity to linear algorithms and as such not restricted to SVMs. The simplest SVMs are linear algorithms, 26 in the sense that they try to find a linear separation in the input space. If input space is transformed to a higher-dimensional feature space with the kernel trick, then we can add nonlinearity to the SVM algorithm without changing it and without additional computational cost (cf. [VTS04, p. 12]). Another useful aspect of the kernel trick is that we are not required to explicitly know the function that maps the original data to higher-dimensional feature space. This is not a problem, because there is no need to apply this mapping function to the original data. It is sufficient for us to be able to compute distance in the higher-dimensional space. This distance alone can often be computed very efficiently. Kernel functions can be visualized by plotting them against the similarity of two vectors. Notable kernel functions are: • Linear kernels k(~x, ~y) = ~x′~y: They are equivalent to not performing a kernel substitution and creating no additional dimensions. Similarity is measured with the dot product. An example for a linear kernel is shown in Figure 2.7a. • Gaussian kernels k(~x, ~y) = e−a(x−y)2 : They do not create additional dimensions. The gestalt of these kernels is very similar to the Tenenbaum and to the Shepard generalization function that we can use in the thematic part of our DPM. They measure distance at first, but convert it into similarity with exponential decay. An example for a Gaussian kernel is shown in Figure 2.7b. • Polynomial kernels k(~x, ~y) = (1 + ~x′~y)a: They create a dimensions to better separate data. Again, similarity is measured with the dot product. An example for a polynomial kernel is shown in Figure 2.7c. • Perceptron kernels k(~x, ~y) = tanh(w0~x ′~y + w1): They imitate a neuron that fires until it has reached its highest potential. They measure similarity. An example for a Perceptron kernel is shown in Figure 2.7d. Remember that the motivator for this thesis is the insight that the traditional, either exclusively taxonomic or exclusively thematic, approaches for similarity models are not very close to the way humans measure similarity. Kernels can be thought of as similarity measures. They become large if two vectors are similar and small if they are dissimilar (cf. [VTS04, p. 6–7]). Existing kernels usually neglect thematic or taxonomic thinking. For example, consider the linear kernel of a SVM. It is equivalent to the dot product, which is a similarity measure and therefore concerned with taxonomic thinking. Our idea is to replace the similarity measurement done by a kernel with a dual process model that combines taxonomic and thematic thinking. Because we need similarity (related to taxonomic thinking) in the end, we introduce difference (related to thematic thinking) by converting it into similarity with a gener- alization function. Therefore, we can just use our DPMs as kernels, i.e. we can set k = mdpm. The DPM kernels in this work usually only perform similarity measurement 27 (a) Linear (b) Gaussian (c) Polynomial (d) Perceptron Figure 2.7: Kernel Functions and no mapping. One exception appears in Equation 3.3, but we excluded it from the experiments to keep the number of tested DPMs manageable. In conclusion, this chapter introduced some of the models for measuring similarity that have been proposed. We explained taxonomic and thematic thinking, because these aspects are often not accounted for in similarity models. We took a look at generalization functions, because they enable us to mix similarity and difference. The distinction between quantitative and predicate-based measures was explained because both kinds can be used in a DPM. We also covered the technical aspects that we need later in this work to test DPMs in a real-world situation: Feature extraction in general, concrete feature extraction algorithms, support vector machines and kernels. This concludes the discussion of the background. 28 CHAPTER 3 Implementation 3.1 Overview The most important outcome of this thesis is a working implementation of the DPM idea. It should be straightforward to use as a basis for other works. To meet this requirement, the implementation is divided into the two separate parts pedestrian detection and SVM. Figure 3.1: Implementation Overview Pedestrian detection deals with all the domain-specific problems and keeps track of the results. There is not much novelty value in this part of the implementation. Myriads of sample code for this task are freely available1. As feature extraction is not the focus of this work, wherever possible, we delegate work to existing libraries. 1e.g. last accessed 2015-02-15 29 However, understanding and controlling the parts done by libraries, as opposed to e.g. calling a black box function DetectPedestrians(), proved surprisingly intricate. The main practical problem was to find a library that does all the involved steps separately and comprehensibly. This problem has been solved eventually. The second part, SVM, deals with all the domain-independent issues. It has a higher novelty value than the other part, because, to the best of the author’s knowledge, no existing classification algorithm implementation supports DPMs out of the box. The SVM part is independent of pedestrian detection and not even restricted to media descriptions. Although we only tested its performance with pedestrian detection, it is likely to have the same applications as classical SVMs. Figure 3.1 gives an overview of the implementation. The most important program activities are shown in white, while the most important result files are shown in yellow. The implementation reads training data in the form of images and generates feature vectors from them. These are used to train a SVM. While training, the SVM uses a DPM kernel instead of a normal one. The result of the training is a SVM model file. At this point, we can discard the training data and start working with separate test data - also in the form of feature vectors. The classification process tells us which images from the test data contain pedestrians and which do not. We end up with a file with the classification results and a file with test statistics. The complete source code of the implementation is available freely2.The rest of this chapter takes a more detailed look at the two major parts of the implementation. Next, we explain how to work with the implementation. Treatise about how the experiments were carried out concludes the chapter. 3.2 Pedestrian Detection Enabling machines to “see” humans is a promising task with a large number of practically very relevant applications like robotics, surveillance and content retrieval. A large amount of research has been conducted in this area and a respectable number of algorithms exists. However, no near perfect algorithm has been proposed so far. The aim of this work is not to come up with a new, high-performing image detection algorithm. Rather, the effect of using a DPM for measuring distance in existing algorithms is examined. We selected the HOG algorithm (as described in [DT05]), because it is representative for a line of research called gradient-based algorithms. Empirical research suggests to combine HOG with other feature extraction methods to obtain a stronger algorithm. “While no single feature has been shown to outperform HOG, additional features can provide complementary information.” [DWSP12, p. 10] The Scalable Color Descriptor (SCD) and Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD) from MPEG-7 Visual provide this additional information to our implementation. Furthermore, turning these descriptor values into predicate based data is straightforward. SCD and EHD do not return predicates (i.e. zero/one values). To be able to work with predicates, the values returned by SCD and EHD are put into evenly sized bins 2 last accessed 2015-02-23 30 by Algorithm 3.1. Note that the algorithm does something different than creating a histogram. The output is an array of values that are either zero or one. Algorithm 3.1: How to Turn Quantitative Values Into Predicates Input: binSize size of one bin, minT smallest possible value, binNum number of bins to create, values array of values to be binned Output: binnedV alues array of binned values 1 for i=0; i < values.size(); ++i do 2 for b = 0; b < binNum; ++b do 3 val =; 4 if val >= minT + b * binSize && val < minT + (b+1) * binSize then 5 binnedValues[i*binNum+b]=1; 6 end 7 end 8 end The whole pedestrian detection part has been written in C++. Image loading and HOG feature vector calculation is done using the Open Computer Vision library (Open CV)3. A good introduction to the library features can be found in [PBKE12]. OpenCV comes with classes to compute HOG feature vectors and with classes to work with support vector machines. The latter ones have not been used on purpose. The rationale is that machine learning is not a core part of OpenCV. It is there, because some computer vision algorithms need it. For solving a pure machine learning task, OpenCV is not the best choice because of the library size and numerous dependencies which are not even needed for machine learning. Therefore, and to make it easier for users from non-computer vision domains, another library has been used for the machine learning part. Refer to Section 3.3 for details. Similarly, MPEG-7 feature vector calculation is done using the BilVideo-7 project (see [BcGOU09]). The pedestrian detection part first reads all training images with pedestrians (positive images) from some directory. Training images without pedestrians (negative images) are taken from another directory. There are virtually no constraints for the number of images, but too few or too many images might yield a poorly trained classifier, because of under-/over-fitting. Experience showed that 20 to 400 training images usually lead to good classification results. The first program version kept all images and feature vectors in memory. This limited the amount of images that could be processed. The current version frees images and feature vectors from main memory as soon as possible. Furthermore, all data is kept in temporary text files. With this approach, memory usage is nearly independent of the number of images. 3 last accessed 2015-02-09 31 There is no need for the user to delete these files manually. The files are stored in directory gen. The most important files are the training data (feature.txt), the SVM model (svm.txt), the test data (test.txt), the classification results (clz.txt) and the test statistics (pr*.txt). First, the program reads all training images. Not all image detection algorithms can process files with arbitrary size. This ability of an algorithm is called scale invariance. HOG, in the version we use, is not scale-invariant, while EHD and SCD are scale-invariant. Therefore we have to “resize” our images to the correct size. After this step, feature vectors for training are available. Every feature vector starts with the class label. For us, 1 means the file contains at least one pedestrian, while −1 means there is no pedestrian in the image. For test files, 0 is used as a label if the class is currently unknown. The class label is followed by the binned scalable color descriptor, binned edge histogram descriptor and finally the unchanged HOG descriptor. Every feature vector element except the class label carries a one-based index. We train a modified SVM with the generated feature vectors. This results in a SVM model file containing the support vectors that create an optimal separation of the training data. If we do not want to carry out the training ourselves, we could get similar support vectors from the pre-trained SVM for pedestrian detection that is part of OpenCV. The pedestrian detection part reads all test images in the same way as the training images. As soon as this is done, the image classification starts. This part is not computationally expensive anymore. We keep track of the classification result for each image and create a file with test statistics in the end. We use one of the most straightforward methods for evaluating classifier quality: the correct classification rate. More advanced evaluation methods exist. One of them is analyzing precision and recall. We calculate precision and recall as shown in Equations 3.1 and 3.2. TP (true positives) is the number of positive images with a positive classification result. FP (false positives) is the number of negative images with a positive classification result. FN (false negatives) is the number of positive images with a negative classification result. precision = TP TP + FP (3.1) recall = TP TP + FN (3.2) Precision measures how relevant our results are. For example, in an image retrieval task, if we search for “pedestrians” and get ten images of pedestrians and nothing else, then our precision is as high as possible. Yet, we do not know how effective our algorithm is. This is measured by recall. Continuing with our example, if there were thousands of pedestrian images and our algorithm found only ten, then it had a low recall. Sometimes, machine learning algorithms can be improved by setting a better threshold. We already described briefly how a SVM works. From the optimization goal, we can deduce that the threshold with the most correct classifications is ∆b = 0. It is not sensible to 32 analyze the sensitivity of the correct classification rate to classification threshold changes, because we already know the optimal threshold. However, the sensitivity of precision and recall to threshold changes is relevant. If we, for example, wanted to be sure to find all images of pedestrians, we could “lower our standards” and set the limit for positive classification to something lower than zero. If we, to formulate another example, wanted to avoid false positives as much as possible, we could “rise our standards” and set the limit to something much higher than zero. To analyze the sensitivity of precision and recall to classification threshold changes, we just vary the threshold, redo classification and calculate new precision and recall values. The result of this analysis is called a precision/recall-curve. The test statistics files contain such a curve. Figure 3.2 shows an example for such a precision/recall-curve. The first column in the test statistics file is the threshold used, the second column is the resulting precision and the third the resulting recall. In our implementation, the threshold always runs from −3 to 3 and is increased in 0.1-steps. Figure 3.2: Example for a Precision/Recall-Curve The precision/recall-curves in our implementation allow us to analyze DPM kernel behavior in special tasks where high precision or high recall is required. Precision/recall- curves usually resemble stairs, because there is a tradeoff between precision and recall. This finishes our tour through the pedestrian detection part. We will now continue with the SVM part. It is important to understand that the pedestrian detection part includes all the “glue code”. That means that program execution starts in this part and uses the SVM part for training and classification. When this is done, the pedestrian detection part collects the classification results and puts them in a statistic. The SVM part can still be used standalone as a classification algorithm. 33 3.3 Classification by a SVM It makes little sense to implement a whole new library every time an algorithm is modified. Therefore, we built DPM-capabilities into SVMlight4. It is an implementation of the original SVM idea by Vapnik with numerous improvements. SVMlight is widely used in academia because it is fast, free and easy to modify. The only requirement for using it is quoting [Joa98], which conveniently provides a good overview of the library. SVMlight consists of a learning module and a classification module, both implemented in C. The binary svm.exe acts as a front end to both. Custom kernels, like our DPM kernels, are added in function custom_kernel in file kernel.h. In Section 2.8, we already heard about kernel functions in general. Equation 1.1 describes the from of our new kernel function. The remaining questions is: Which functions do we plug in? A turnkey list of quantitative and predicate-based measures was found in [Eid12, p. 587–591]. Our DPM kernel supports all measures in this list. Measure indexes are consistent with the numbers from the source, as long as one subtracts 1 from them, because C-arrays are 0-based. We need generalization functions for our model as well. The implemented generaliza- tion functions are Boxing, Gaussian, Shepard and None. They can be used by passing the program one of the indexes {0, 1, 2, 4}. The missing index has been reserved for the Tenenbaum generalization function that has not been implemented yet. This freedom to select all parts of the DPM kernel from a list leads to a large number of possible kernels. One of the goals was to make the implementation as dynamic as possible. Therefore, the existing SVMlight parameters are “misused” to select and control a DPM kernel. The disadvantage of this approach is that the parameter names do not have any deeper meaning in the DPM-context. However, the large advantage is that our modified version of SVMlight stays fully compatible with the canonical version. This approach is also suggested in the documentation. DPMs stipulate the use of quantitative and predicate-based measures to represent taxonomic and thematic thinking. We do not mandate which type of measure to use for which type of thinking. We can combine a quantitative measure for taxonomic thinking with a predicate-based measure for thematic thinking or we can use only quantitative or only predicate-based measures. The concrete combination can be one of the following: • Quantitative measure for taxonomic thinking. Predicate-based measure for thematic thinking. Selected with index 0. • Quantitative measure for taxonomic thinking. Quantitative measure for thematic thinking. Selected with index 1. 4 last accessed 2015-02-09 34 • Predicate-based measure for taxonomic thinking. Predicate-based measure for thematic thinking. Selected with index 2. • Predicate-based measure for taxonomic thinking. Quantitative measure for thematic thinking. Selected with index 3. Furthermore, the implementation supports a polynomial DPM kernel that is shown in Equation 3.3. It supports the same combinations as before with the indexes {4, 5, 6, 7}. sdpmpoly = [1 + α staxonomic + (1− α) g(dthematic)]3 (3.3) The pedestrian-detection part always produces feature vectors with both quanti- tative data and predicates. The custom SVM needs to know which parts of the in- put are quantitative and which are predicative. This is done by setting the directive FIRST_N_PREDICATES. It means that the first N elements of each feature vector in the input should be treated as predicates. It would not pose a problem to detect the feature vector type automatically. But we are implementing a kernel function - which could well be called thousands of times while searching for a solution. Therefore, we have to make sure it terminates quickly by removing any overhead like this automatic type detection. Internally, measures and generalization functions are stored in function pointer arrays. q is an array of quantitative measures, while p is an array of predicate-based measures. Analogously, g is an array of generalization functions. The parameters supplied by the users then select the correct DPM kernel parts from the array. Algorithm 3.2 shows a prototype of this concept. Algorithm 3.2: Prototype for Custom Kernel Selection Input: svm_light_parameters arguments passed to the SVM, α importance of taxonomic thinking, a, b feature vectors Output: result DPM similarity score for feature vectors 1 lhs = svm_light_parameters->coef_lin; 2 rhs = svm_light_parameters->poly_degree; 3 combination = svm_light_parameters->coef_const; 4 gi = svm_light_parameters->rbf_gamma; 5 if combination==QUANTITATIVE_QUANTITATIVE then 6 result = α * q[lhs](a, b) + (1-α) * g[gi](q[rhs](a, b)); 7 end 8 else if combination==PREDICATE_QUANTITATIVE then 9 result = α * p[lhs](a, b) + (1-α) * g[gi](q[rhs](a, b)); 10 end 11 //...other selections The implementation of quantitative and predicate-based measures is straightforward. Algorithms 3.3 and 3.4 show example measure implementations. Note that, from a purely 35 Algorithm 3.3: Example Implementation of a Quantitative Measure Input: a, b feature vectors Output: result Euclidean distance 1 register double sum = 0; 2 register WORD *ai, *bj; 3 register int k = 0; 4 ai = a->words; 5 bj = b->words; 6 while ai->wnum && bj->wnum do 7 sum += pow(fabs(ai->weight - bj->weight), 2); 8 ++k; 9 ++ai; 10 ++bj; 11 end 12 result = sqrt(sum / k); Algorithm 3.4: Example Implementation of a Predicate-based Measure Input: a common features in both vectors, b features only in the one vector, c features only in the other vector, d features in neither vector Output: result Hamming distance 1 result = b + c; technical point of view, the distinction into thematic and taxonomic measures is not relevant, because they are implemented in the same way. Quantitative measures are called with the feature vectors in linked lists. Predicate- based measures are a little different. Because they are based on common features (Section 2.4.2), they are already invoked with variables that describe them. 3.4 Usage The binary file dpm.exe performs pedestrian detection with a customized SVM that employs a DPM kernel. The usage is outlined in Algorithm 3.5. It carries out all necessary steps for the training of a support vector machine for pedestrian detection and keeps track of the results. It operates in so called “modes”: 1. features: Calculates feature vectors. 2. train: Uses the features vectors to train a support vector machine. 3. classify: Performs classification. If no mode is given, all steps are performed in succession. This is the usual program invocation, unless one wants to examine the intermediate results or keep track of program 36 output. Passing parameters to SVMlight only makes sense in mode train, because before it, no SVM is used and after it, a SVM model file already exists from which the parameters are taken. Algorithm 3.5: Program Invocation 1 dpm.exe [mode] [svm-light-parameters]] The binary passes any parameters other than the first to SVMlight. This is used to select the specific DPM kernels. If we do not pass any parameters, we get a linear kernel. To work with DPM kernels, the parameter −t 4 is needed to tell SVMlight to use the custom kernel, which is exactly where we placed all the DPM logic. In this case, some of the standard parameters change their meaning: • -g [0...4] Index of generalization function (refer to Sections 2.3 and 3.3). • -s [0...74] Index of taxonomic measure (refer to Sections 2.2 and 3.3). • -d [0...74] Index of thematic measure (refer to Sections 2.2 and 3.3). • -r [0...7] Index telling us how to combine the measures (refer to Section 3.3). We implemented 75 predicate-based measures and 19 quantitative measures. Note that because we can theoretically use predicate-based measures for both the thematic and the taxonomic part of our DPM, both indexes run to 74. If a quantitative measure is used, it is important to not exceed the index 18. We conclude this section with the usage example shown in Algorithm 3.6. It employs the Boxing generalization function to combine the predicate-based measure Mc Con- naughey for taxonomic thinking with the predicate-based measure Hamming distance for thematic thinking. To demonstrate compatibility, we also use a standard SVMlight parameter to limit the number of optimizations to 10000. Algorithm 3.6: Example Usage 1 dpm.exe features 2 dpm.exe train "-t 4 -g 0 -s 33 -d 2 -r 2 -# 10000" 3 dpm.exe classify 3.5 Experiments DPMs can work with arbitrary data, but the aim of a DPM is to imitate the process underlying human similarity perception. Therefore, we need to perform experiments in an inherently human domain. As already mentioned, the selected domain is the detection of pedestrians in images. 37 (a) Positive Image (b) Negative Image Figure 3.3: Examples From the Dataset Because much research in this area has been conducted, many datasets do exist. We selected the INRIA dataset5 with upright images of persons in everyday situations. The dataset is 970 MB large and contains thousands of images. Example images are shown in Figures 3.3a and 3.3b. To keep computation time low, the INRIA dataset is sub-sampled. Training is performed with 140 positive and 160 negative samples. Testing is done with 50 positive and 50 negative images. Positive training images are restricted to a size close to 96 ∗ 160 pixels, while negative training image can have any size larger than this. The reason is that the training algorithm works with one correctly sized, randomly taken sub-image for negative training images. Technically, test images could have any size as long as we work with correctly sized sub-images, for example created by a simple iterative algorithm. To save computation time, this was not done during the experiments. Therefore, positive test images also have a size close to 96 ∗ 160 pixels. Again, because of the random sub-images, the size of the negative test images does not matter. During SVM training, the number of allowed iterations without progress was restricted to 3000. We perform a manual classification into thematic and taxonomic measures. If there is a contrast (i.e. x− y, xy , a . , . −a , . b or . c), then a measure is thematic and belongs on the right-hand side of Equation 1.1. Otherwise, it is taxonomic and belongs on the left-hand side. The importance of taxonomic thinking was set to α = 1 2 during all experiments. This means we simulate a person that values taxonomic thinking as much as thematic thinking. The fixed importance factor does not pose a large restriction, because our image classification task can be performed correctly by virtually all adults, regardless of their preference for taxonomic or thematic thinking. This makes it very likely that our α simulates a large subset of all humans. Furthermore, α can easily be changed in our implementation. With all implemented quantitative and predicate-based measures classified into taxonomic and thematic, we run pedestrian detection with the described dataset for: • All combinations of quantitative measure/quantitative measure/generalization 5 last accessed 2015-02-24 38 function. • All combinations of predicate-based measure/predicate-based measure/generaliza- tion function. • The most promising combinations of predicate-based measure/quantitative mea- sure/generalization function. • The most promising combinations of quantitative measure/predicate-based mea- sure/generalization function. With “the most promising combinations” we mean that only predicate-based and quantitative measures were used, that were part of a purely predicate-based or purely quantitative DPM that performed as good as the linear kernel. The reason for this restriction is to make search space smaller to decrease the already large runtime of the experiments. To be able to compare our DPMs to the current state-of-the-art, we also ran pedestrian detection with the described dataset for the linear, polynomial, sigmoid and radial kernels. Additionally, the thematic and taxonomic parts of each DPM were used on their own to classify the test data set. Furthermore, we carried out five experiments with selected DPMs and a larger dataset. This dataset contained 2379 positive and 1231 negative training samples. Testing in this case was done with 900 samples. Some experiments did not terminate while training the support vector machine. This models have been omitted from the result discussion. In this chapter, we took a closer look at the implementation details. The implementa- tion consists of two main parts: the pedestrian detection part and the SVM part. While the former “glues” everything together, the latter can be used on its own to carry out experiments in other domains and to solve machine learning tasks other than pedestrian detection. We saw how to work with the implementation and took a closer look at the experi- mental setup. We will discuss the outcome of those experiments in the next chapter. At this point, let us think back to our goals from the introductory chapter. We wanted to provide an implementation of the DPM idea that could perform binary classification and was adoptable for other tasks. Clearly, this task was fulfilled. The question how a DPM can be integrated into machine learning was answered. Because of the very useful concept of kernel functions, it was more of a technical than a logical question. 39 CHAPTER 4 Results We will now deal with the second aim of this work and asses the performance of DPMs for pedestrian detection. Using the experimental setup from before, we tested most of the DPMs that can be formulated with Equation 1.1. 4.1 Viability of the Dual Process Using a Dual Process Model adds logical complexity to any machine learning task. Furthermore, depending on the actual measures used, it worsens time complexity. Is the overhead worth it? We compare the classification performance of each DPM with its single process models, i.e. the taxonomic part mtaxonomic with the thematic part g(mthematic). Note that both parts measure similarity, because otherwise it would not be possible to use them as kernel functions. The aggregated results of this comparison are shown in Table 4.1. It was created by measuring the classification performance of each possible DPM and comparing it to the classification performances of the two single process models that belong to it. Aspect % of Cases Taxonomic Thinking Better Than Thematic Thinking 71,12 Thematic Thinking Better Than Taxonomic Thinking 19,03 Single Process Model Better Than or Equal DPM (Not Viable) 73,77 Single Process Model Worse Than DPM (Viable) 26,23 Table 4.1: Viability of DPMs We can see in the first two lines that taxonomic thinking on its own often performed better than the thematic thinking on its own. This can be seen as a clue that taxonomic thinking has a larger impact on image detection performance than thematic thinking. 41 However, it is equally likely that this difference is caused by the way we combined taxonomic and thematic thinking in our model or by the algorithm selection for feature vector extraction. The last two lines are more important. They tell us that DPMs are not necessarily better than single process models. In other words: Not every DPM created with Equation 1.1 makes sense. In about 74% of the search space, the classification performance has nothing to gain from the use of a DPM with fixed importance factor α = 1 2 and might even decrease. Therefore, when formulating a DPM, it is essential to verify that it improves performance for the task at hand. Let us call this performance improvement viability. For the rest of the result discussion, we will exclude all DPMs that are not viable. It should be mentioned that using the Euclidean distance (a specific case of the Minkowski distance) often resulted in strong classification performance. However, because of our viability constraint, this measure does not appear often in the following results. 4.2 Comparison to Existing Models Are DPMs better for image classification than the current state of the art? To clear that, we compared them to linear, radial, polynomial and sigmoid kernels. Table 4.2 shows a summary of the classification performance for our pedestrian detection task. Kernel % Correct Sigmoid 50 Radial 50 Linear 92 Polynomial 92 Baroni+Shepard(Normalization) 96 Histogram+Shepard(Minkowski) 95 Tanimoto Index+Boxing(Complement of Hamming Distance) 94 Russel & Rao-Minkowski 94 ... ... Table 4.2: Comparison to the State of the Art A striking characteristic of our comparison is that the values 50% and 92% seem to appear more often than they should. This has a compelling reason: the dataset, which contains an equal amount of positive and negative images to classify. Regularly, suboptimal DPM kernels have a tendency to classify all images as positives or negatives. In this case, the classification score is always obviously biased, e.g. y = 300 or y = −500. With our experimental setup, if a kernel only produces one classification result, the correct classification rate will always be 50%. Another property of the dataset is that it contains some images that are fairly difficult to classify. Classification errors agglomerate for the same images. As a result, the 42 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 4.1: Difficult Test Images linear and polynomial kernel make their classification errors for the same images. We can see them in Figure 4.1. Still, the classification scores of the linear kernel and the polynomial kernel are different. Therefore, it is not very plausible that this is a bug in the implementation or in the experimental setup. The difficult images are representative for situations that are hard for most image detection algorithms: bad lighting (Figures 4.1a, 4.1b, 4.1d and 4.1h) and entangled shapes (Figures 4.1c, 4.1e, 4.1f and 4.1g). Note that the principal goal of the experimental setup and the implementation was not to come up with image classification that is as optimized as possible. It would have been counter-productive to optimize the feature vectors until all test images could be classified correctly. We need some errors that are left to examine the effect of DPMs. Therefore, all results have to be seen relative to the existing kernels and not to state of the art image classification algorithms. In particular, we did not perform multiple training rounds. That is, we did not add the images from Figure 4.1 to our training data after we learned that they are hard to classify. How many correct classifications do we expect from a kernel? The error tolerance in real world tasks is often low. Therefore, we expect a correct classification rate of at least 90% from a well-performing kernel. This limit has been chosen somewhat arbitrarily, but some limit is definitely needed, because it does not make sense to examine kernels that barely work. Experiments showed that sigmoid and radial kernels performed poorly, while the widely-used linear and polynomial kernels performed well. Many tested DPMs made less than 90% correct test data classifications. However, about 9% of all DPMs performed that well or better. Refer to Section 4.6 for more information about these DPMs. The precision/recall-curve of all well-performing models from Table 4.2 is shown in Figure 4.2. We did not find remarkable behavior of DPM kernels in the high precision or high recall areas. However, a more thorough quantitative analysis of the precision/recall- curves was out of scope for this work. 43 Figure 4.2: Precision/Recall-Curve for Conventional Kernels and DPM Kernels 4.3 Generalization All DPMs were tested with different generalization functions (refer to Section 2.3 and Chapter 5 in the appendix for details): Boxing, Gaussian, Shepard and None. We group all DPMs with a classification performance of at least 90% by their generalization function. The results can be seen in Table 4.3. Generalization Function % of High-performing DPMs Shepard 51,0 None 23,5 Gaussian 23,5 Boxing 2,0 Table 4.3: Percentage of High-performing DPMs per Generalization Function The Shepard generalization function was most often part of high-performing DPMs. Surprisingly, not using any generalization function proved as successful as using the Gaussian generalization function. The Boxing function did not work well, but we found that its performance increases if additional iterations were allowed during SVM training. The data show that if a combination of taxonomic and thematic measure is successful with one generalization function, it tends to be successful with other generalization functions, too. The probability of arriving at a high-performing DPM is highest when using the Shepard generalization function. However, good classification performances 44 Taxonomic Generalization Thematic % Sorgenfrei Shepard Batagelj & Bren 90 Hawkins & Dotson Shepard Variance Dissimilarity 90 Baroni-Urbani & Buser Shepard Baulieu Variant 2 90 Coeff. of Arith. Means Shepard Baulieu Variant 2 90 Proportion of Overlap Shepard Baulieu Variant 2 90 Table 4.4: Classification Performance of Predicate-based DPMs could be obtained with most generalization functions, as long as fitting thematic and taxonomic measures were chosen. Based on the experiments, selecting the taxonomic and thematic measure seems to have a much larger impact on the classification performance of DPMs. In the opinion of the author, generalization will only begin to have a larger impact, if we reach a level of model complexity where the generalization function is constructed dynamically from observed generalization gradients. 4.4 Quantitative and Predicate-based Measures As already discussed, quantitative measures operate on real-valued feature vectors, while predicate-based measures operate on 0/1 values. To keep the number of experiments man- ageable, we first had to test all purely quantitative and all purely predicate-based DPMs. Only the most promising measures of these experiments where tested in combination. This approach is inspired by genetic algorithms. The experiments indicated that if quantitative measures are used exclusively, their performance is slightly better than the exclusive use of predicate-based measures. Table 4.4 states the classification performance of the best DPMs that use only predicate-based measures. Like before, 90% seems to appear more often than it should. Again, this is explained by the difficult test images that lead to the same errors for all shown DPMs. Hence, our predicate-based feature vector extraction is not discriminative enough. Table 4.5 shows the best DPMs that use only quantitative measures. Their correct classification rate is always a little bit higher than the rate of their predicate-based counterparts. Figure 4.3 compares purely quantitative to purely predicate-based DPMs by plotting their precision/recall-curves against each other. The first two measures in the legend, blue and red, are predicate-based and the last two, green and violet, are quantitative DPMs. We see that quantitative measures seem to have an advantage in the high recall area, that vanishes quickly if more precision is required. Further analysis of this finding was out of scope of this work. Until now, our DPMs used either quantitative or predicate-based measures only - but these two types of measures can be mixed. Table 4.6 summarizes the classification 45 Taxonomic Generalization Thematic % Histogram Intersection Shepard Minkowski Distance, Meehl Index 95 Histogram Intersection Shepard Kullback & Leibler, Jeffrey Divergence 95 Histogram Intersection Shepard Exponential Divergence, Normalization 95 Histogram Intersection Shepard Kagan Divergence, Mahalanobis Distance 95 Tanimoto Index Shepard Minkowski Distance 94 Modified Dot Product Gaussian Minkowski Distance, Mahalanobis Distance 93 Modified Dot Product Shepard Mahalanobis Distance 93 Cosine Measure Gaussian Minkowski Distance, Mahalanobis Distance 93 Cosine Measure Shepard Mahalanobis Distance 93 Tanimoto Index Shepard Normalization, Mahalanobis Distance 92 Table 4.5: Classification Performance of Quantitative DPMs Figure 4.3: Precision/Recall-Curve for Selected Quantitative and Predicate-based Mea- sures 46 performance of the best mixed DPMs. Note that some mixed DPMs appear in Table 4.6 that were not part of the best purely quantitative DPMs or purely predicate-based DPMs. The reason for this is that DPMs that performed well, but were not viable, were also permitted to take part in the mixed test round. However, all of the mixed DPMs are still required to be viable. We can see that mixed DPMs work as well as quantitative or predicate-based DPMs. This is an encouraging result, because it allows us to select our DPM parts based on the feature vector type at hand. Against intuition, mixing quantitative measures with predicate-based measures (that performed slightly weaker in general), still often lead to improved classification perfor- mance. This is further empirical evidence in support of DPMs. In the beginning of this section, we hinted at quantitative DPMs being slightly superior to their predicate-based counterparts. In the light of the performance of mixed DPMs, this does not hold. The observed performance difference is likely to be caused by the algorithms used for feature vector extraction. 4.5 Statistical Significance Because of the long runtime of each experiment, it was not possible to test each DPM many times with different subsamples and provide confidence intervals for the classification results. It is plausible that in other experiments, a few of the well-performing measures disappear or new ones are found. What we can show is that DPMs work in principle and our results are not just caused by the degrees of freedom our large search space provides. Assume for a moment that DPMs do not work at all and their classification is utterly random. In a binary classification problem, the chances of guessing the class label correctly are 50%, which is quite high. Our generic model for constructing DPMs allows for many different concrete DPMs. That means we would have many chances to guess a good test data classification. One argument against our findings in this chapter being random are the good classification results of the best mixed DPMs. We restricted the search space for this experiments to DPM parts that already showed a good classification performance in purely quantitative or purely predicate-based DPMs. Still, we got good classification results again. As further evidence, we ran two of the best DPMs again with a large sample. The classification results are shown in Table 4.7. We can see that the classification performance for a much larger dataset with nine times as many classifications remained stable. This indicates that our results are not fragile in the sense that for every dataset, different DPMs show up with high classification performances. However, it has to be noted that much stronger propositions would have been possible, if the size and total runtime of the experimental setup had permitted the calculation of confidence intervals. 47 Taxonomic Generalization Thematic % Baroni-Urbani & Buser Shepard Normalization 96 Sorgenfrei Shepard Normalization 95 Coeff. of Arith. Means Shepard Normalization 95 Russel & Rao Shepard Exponential Div. 94 Russel & Rao None Minkowski Dist. 94 Russel & Rao None Exponential Div. 94 Tanimoto Index Boxing, Gaussian Compl. of Hamming Dist. 94 Tanimoto Index Shepard Compl. of Hamming Dist. 94 Correlation Coefficient Shepard, None Baulieu Var. 2 94 Correlation Coefficient Shepard, None Batagelj & Bren 94 Correlation Coefficient Shepard Variance Dis. 94 Histogram Intersection None Hamming Dist. 94 Russel & Rao, Sorgenfrei Gaussian Normalization 93 Baroni-Urbani & Buser Gaussian Normalization 93 Coeff. of Arith. Means Gaussian Normalization 93 Proportion of Overlap Gaussian, Shepard Normalization 93 Sorgenfrei None Normalization 93 Proportion of Overlap None Exponential Div. 93 Cosine Measure Boxing Compl. of Hamming Dist. 93 Mod. Dot Prod. Gaussian Variance Dis., Batagelj & Bren 93 Cosine Measure Gaussian Baulieu Var. 2 93 Cosine Measure Gaussian Compl. of Hamming Dist. 93 Cosine Measure Shepard, None Variance Dis., Baulieu Var. 2 93 Cosine Measure Shepard, None Batagelj & Bren 93 Cosine Measure Shepard, None Compl. of Hamming Dist. 93 Tanimoto Index Gaussian Baulieu Var. 2 93 Tanimoto Index Shepard, None Variance Dis., Baulieu Var. 2 93 Tanimoto Index Shepard, None Batagelj & Bren 93 Russel & Rao Gaussian Exponential Div. 92 Hawkins & Dotson Shepard, None Exponential Div. 92 Baroni-Urbani & Buser Shepard Exponential Div. 92 Coeff. of Arith. Means Shepard, None Exponential Div. 92 Proportion of Overlap Shepard Exponential Div. 92 Mod. Dot Prod. Gaussian Baulieu Var. 2 92 Mod. Dot Prod. Shepard, None Variance Dis. 92 Hawkins & Dotson Gaussian Normalization 91 Sorgenfrei Shepard, None Exponential Div. 91 Hawkins & Dotson Gaussian Exponential Div. 90 Hawkins & Dotson Shepard Normalization 90 Coeff. of Arith. Means None Normalization 90 Table 4.6: Classification Performance of Mixed DPMs 48 Taxonomic Generalization Thematic % Baroni-Urbani & Buser Shepard Normalization 95,4 Histogram Intersection Shepard Minkowski Distance 94,6 Table 4.7: Classification Performance With a Larger Dataset 4.6 Constructing DPMs Until now, we always stated concrete combinations of taxonomic measure, thematic measure and generalization function. Just using these combinations seems too narrow- minded. The data show that many measures always work well, but are often dragged down by combining them with measures with poor classification performance. Therefore, we provide instructions for building well-performing DPMs by listing all measures and generalization functions that were part of at least one viable model with a classification performance of at least 90%. Our options for well-performing DPMs are shown in Tables 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12. For clarity, we split the options into quantitative and predicate-based DPMs, but they can be mixed at will. They are intended to be plugged into Equation 1.1. Refer to Chapter 5 in the appendix for exact definitions. This concludes the results chapter. Unsurprisingly, using Equation 1.1 does not work with all measures. Quite to the contrary, most measures barely work at all when used in a DPM. One possible reason is that the classification into taxonomic and thematic measures might not be as simple as described in Section 3.5. Our experimental setup labeled every given measure either as taxonomic or as thematic, but maybe measures exist that are neither taxonomic nor thematic. Such measures would show in our results with very poor performance. This would explain the myriad of DPMs with poor performances that we observed during the experiments. An alternative explanation has to do with the structure of Equation 1.1 itself. It can be described as adding taxonomic and thematic similarity to arrive at a total similarity score. It is not a given that both taxonomic and thematic similarity have the same magnitude for all existing measures. As an example for what could go wrong, assume that sdpm = 100 + 3. A similarity of three could mean a huge similarity for the taxonomic measure, while a similarity of 100 only means “somewhat similar” for the thematic measure. On the plus side, we found some concrete DPMs that perform well. From this, we can conclude that psychological research in the area of thematic and taxonomic thinking has useful applications in machine learning. The practitioner, when faced with a specific machine learning task, can just select two measures from our tables and check whether the DPM kernel constructed like this works better than the linear or polynomial kernel. The decision whether to use predicate-based or quantitative measures is only a technical one and depends just on the format of the input data. 49 The question about the best-performing DPMs has not been answered fully. We know that if following our building instructions, the performance of the linear kernel and polynomial kernels can usually be matched. With our data set and feature extraction, we are in the realm of about 90% correct classifications for both conventional kernels and DPM kernels. How DPMs will compare to the state of the art of other machine learning tasks, or even other feature extraction algorithms, cannot be said yet and is left as a task for future research. g Boxing Gaussian Shepard None Table 4.8: Generalization Functions mtaxonomic Histogram Intersection Modified Dot Product Tanimoto Index Correlation Coefficient Cosine Measure Table 4.9: Quantitative Taxonomic Measures mthematic Meehl Index Minkowski Distance Exponential Divergence Kagan Divergence Jeffrey Divergence Kullback Leibler Mahalanobis Distance Normalization Table 4.10: Quantitative Thematic Measures mtaxonomic Hawkins Dotson Sorgenfrei Russel & Rao Baroni Urbani Buser Proportion of Overlap Coefficient of Arithmetic Means Table 4.11: Predicate-based Taxonomic Measures mthematic Variance Dissimilarity Batagelj Bren Baulieu Variant 2 Hamming Distance Complement of Hamming Distance Table 4.12: Predicate-based Thematic Measures 50 CHAPTER 5 Conclusion and Future Work In this thesis, we briefly introduced existing models of similarity like geometric models, featural models and transformational models. DPMs are meta models for measuring similarity. They combine taxonomic and thematic thinking. Taxonomic thinking tries to identify common features between two objects. The more common features, the larger the similarity. Taxonomic thinking is best represented by similarity measures, i.e. measures that become larger with the similarity of two stimuli. Thematic thinking tries to find a common theme that connects two objects. This theme is then used for comparison. Thematic thinking is best represented by distance measures, i.e. measures that become smaller the larger the similarity of two objects gets. Using a generalization function, distance can be converted into similarity. In Equa- tion 1.1, we used this to formulate a simple DPM that measures similarity. Psychological research suggests that a combination of both taxonomic and thematic thinking is needed to model human similarity assessment adequately. Similarity is often an important part of machine learning algorithms. However, one of the two ways of thinking is often neglected - especially in models formulated by computer scientists. We implemented pedestrian detection in images to be able to test DPMs in a real world task. Input images have to be converted into feature vectors. We used a combination of three algorithms for this task: Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Scalable Color Descriptor and Edge Histogram Descriptor. The feature vectors were used to train a SVM, which is a binary classification algorithm. Eventually, the SVM classifies test images into “contains a pedestrian” and “contains no pedestrian”. SVMs use a kernel function to measure similarity. Some kernel functions also map input data to a higher-dimensional space to achieve better data separation. We provided DPM kernel functions for the widely-used SVMlight library. The implementation lets us choose from 5 generalization functions and 94 measures. It is freely available, because the main goal of this work was to provide such an implementation to foster further work in the area of DPMs. 51 We tested our DPMs with a subsample of a standard dataset and got some interesting results. Any DPM is a combination of two measures. Obviously, if using just one measure performs as well or better than using two measures, we do not deal with a viable DPM. Only 14% of our DPMs were found to be viable. The takeaway point here is that when using a DPM, one should always check whether the classification performance does not just come from one measure alone. DPMs can be formulated with quantitative measures (i.e. real values), predicate-based measures (i.e. countable or 0/1 values) and with a mix of both types of measures. We did not find conclusive evidence that a certain measure type (e.g. measuring taxonomic and thematic thinking with quantitative measures) works better than any other type. We discovered DPMs that performed as good as or better than the existing linear and polynomial kernels. Let us, for example, combine the Russel and Rao similarity measure with the Exponential Divergence difference measure using Shepard’s generalization function. This is shown in Equation 5.1. mdpm = a a+ b+ c+ d + e −| ∑ i xilog( xi yi )2| (5.1) Russel and Rao’s measure calculates the percentage of shared features. This is a simple improvement over just counting the co-occurrences. The Exponential Divergence measure represents an entirely different way of thinking about similarity by measuring information gain. However, it has to be mentioned that this is not a mandatory proof that DPMs outperform the current state of the art. With the algorithms we used, meaningful feature vectors contain thousands of elements per image. This makes SVM training (and even classification) slow for conventional kernels as well as DPM kernels. In addition, the search space is large, because many concrete DPMs can be formulated with Equation 1.1. Conclusive evidence would have to carry out statistical testing to be able to state significance levels of classification performances. For this, every single specific DPM has to be tested many times. To make this possible, runtime has to be improved. Future work could either use algorithms that yield good classification results with much smaller feature vectors or focus only on a few possible DPMs. To support this, we provided a construction kit for well-performing DPMs. Another interesting direction for further research are DPMs in other domains, for example audio and text retrieval or non-multimedia problems like recommender systems and computational finance. Because DPMs are kernel functions, they can be readily used with algorithms other than SVMs like Gaussian processes, ridge regression, spectral clustering and many more. In this work, a constant importance factor controlled the relative weight of taxonomic and thematic thinking. We assumed it can be found with psychological tests. It is very likely that the importance factor is situation-dependent rather than constant. Making the importance factor a function of the features would provide another promising direction of research. Hopefully, this work provides a good basis for further work on DPMs. Improved similarity measurement processes would not only lead to large improvements on the 52 application-side, but also bring us closer to the noble goal of understanding similarity as a concept. 53 Appendix: Formulas Below, x, y are the feature vectors with known means µx, µy and known standard deviations σx, σy. K is the size of both feature vectors. a, b, c, d describe the feature vectors as explained in Section 2.4.2. Quantitative Measures HistogramIntersection = ∑ i min(xi, yi) (2) Modif iedDotProduct = ∑ i xiyi K (3) TanimotoIndex = ∑ i xiyi∑ i x2 i + ∑ i y2 i − ∑ i xiyi (4) CorrelationCoeff icient = ∑ i(xi − µx)(yi − µy)√∑ i (xi − µx)2 √∑ i (yi − µy)2 (5) CosineMeasure = ∑ i xiyi√∑ i x2 i √∑ i y2 i (6) MeehlIndex = K−2∑ i ((xi − xi+1)− (yi − yi+1))2 (7) We set a2 = a1 = 2 in Equation 8, i.e. we used the Euclidean Distance for our experiments. MinkowskiDistance = a2 √ |xi − yi|a1 K (8) ExponentialDivergence = ∑ i xilog(xi yi )2 (9) 55 KaganDivergence = 1 2 ∑ i (xi − yi)2 xi (10) Jeff reyDivergence = ∑ i (xi − yi)log(xi yi ) (11) KullbackLeibler = ∑ i xilog(xi yi ) (12) MahalanobisDistance = ∑ i ∑ j (xi − yi)(xj − yj) (13) Equation 14 is the most successful attempt of the author of this work. It is a very simple normalization that has certainly be used to measure similarity before. Normalization = |µx σx − µy σy | (14) Predicate-based Measures HawkinsDotson = 1 2( a a+ b+ c + d b+ c+ d ) (15) Sorgenfrei = a2 (a+ b)(a+ c) (16) RusselRao = a a+ b+ c+ d (17) BaroniUrbaniBuser = √ ad+ a− b− c√ ad+ a+ b+ c (18) ProportionOfOverlap = ad− bc K(1− a (a+b)(a+c))(2a+ b+ c− (a+b)(a+c) K ) (19) Coeff icientOfArithmeticMeans = 2(ad− bc) K(2a+ b+ c) (20) V arianceDissimilarity = b+ c 4K (21) 56 BatageljBren = bc ad (22) Baulieu2 = K(b+ c)− (b− c)2 K2 (23) HammingDistance = b+ c (24) ComplementOfHammingDistance = a+ d (25) Generalization Functions We set ρ = 0.6 in Equation 26 for our experiments. Boxing = { 1, if − ρ ≤ distance ≤ ρ 0, otherwise (26) Gaussian = e−distance 2 (27) Shepard = e−|distance| (28) None = −distance (29) 57 Bibliography [Att54] Fred Attneave. Some Informational Aspects of Visual Perception. Psycho- logical Review, 61(3):183, 1954. [BcGOU09] Muhammet Baştan, Hayati Çam, Uǧur Güdükbay, and Özgür Ulusoy. 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