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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Leary, Edmund ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Limburg, Bart ; Rincón-García, Laura ; Hurtado-Gallego, Juan ; González, M. Teresa ; Bollinger, Gabino Rubio ; Agrait, Nicolás ; Higgins, Simon J. ; Anderson, Harry L. ; Stadler, Robert ; Nichols, Richard J. Long-lived charged states of single porphyrin-tape junctions under ambient conditionsArtikel Article 2021
2Zhao, Xin ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Quantum interference effects in coherent electron transport through single molecule junctions with branches containing ferrocenePräsentation Presentation2017
3Zhao, Xin ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Quantum interference in coherent tunneling through branched molecular junctions containing ferrocene centersArtikel Article 2017
4Zhao, Xin ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert QI effects in electron transport through single molecule Junctions with branches containing ferrocenePräsentation Presentation2016
5Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Coherent tunneling and electron hopping in molecules with redox centersPräsentation Presentation2016
6Schwarz, Florian ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Lissel, Franziska ; Egler-Lucas, Carolina ; Semenov, Sergey N. ; Venkatesan, Koushik ; Berke, Heinz ; Stadler, Robert ; Lörtscher, Emanuel Field-induced conductance switching by charge-state alternation in organometallic single-molecule junctionsArtikel Article 2016
7Schwarz, Florian ; Koch, Michael ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Berke, Heinz ; Stadler, Robert ; Venkatesan, Koushik ; Lörtscher, Emanuel Charge transport and conductance switching of redox-active Azulene derivativesArtikel Article 2016
8Schwarz, Florian ; Koch, Michael ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Berke, Heinz ; Stadler, Robert ; Venkatesan, Koushik ; Lörtscher, Emanuel Ladungstransport und Leitfähigkeitsschalten von redoxaktiven Azulen-DerivatenArtikel Article 2016
9Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Bias-induced conductance switching in single molecule junctions containing a redox-active transition metal complexArtikel Article 2016
10Zhao, Xin ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Quantum interference effects in coherent electron transport through single molecule Junctions with branched compounds containing ferroceneKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
11Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Theory of charge transport through single redox-active transition metal complexesPräsentation Presentation2015
12Puebla-Hellmann, Gabriel ; Bachmann, Michael ; Schwarz, Florian ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Riel, Heike ; Venkatesan, Koushik ; Berke, Heinz ; Stadler, Robert ; Lörtscher, Emanuel Nanopores: A room-temperature stable and scalable platform for molecular electronicsPräsentation Presentation2015
13Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Theory of charge transport through single redox-active transition metal complexesPräsentation Presentation2015
14Kastlunger, Georg ; Schwarz, Florian ; Lörtscher, Emanuel ; Stadler, Robert Charge Transport in redox-based molecular switchesPräsentation Presentation2015
15Kastlunger, Georg ; Zhao, Xin ; Stadler, Robert Coherent tunneling and electron hopping in linear and branched molecules with multiple redox centersPräsentation Presentation2015
16Kastlunger, Georg ; Stadler, Robert Density functional theory based direct comparison of coherent tunneling and electron hopping in redox-active single-molecule junctionsArtikel Article2015