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Stadler, Robert
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Results 1-20 of 44 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Valli-2023-Carbon-vor.pdf.jpgValli, Angelo ; Fabian, Thomas ; Libisch, Florian ; Stadler, Robert Stability of destructive quantum interference antiresonances in electron transport through graphene nanostructuresArticle Artikel Oct-2023
2Stadler, Robert DQI in electron transport through graphene nanoribbonsReport Bericht2023
3Sengul, Ozlem ; Völkle, Julia ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Enhancing the sensitivity and selectivity of pyrene-based sensors for detection of small gaseous molecules via destructive quantum interferenceArticle Artikel 25-Apr-2022
4Leary, Edmund ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Limburg, Bart ; Rincón-García, Laura ; Hurtado-Gallego, Juan ; González, M. Teresa ; Bollinger, Gabino Rubio ; Agrait, Nicolás ; Higgins, Simon J. ; Anderson, Harry L. ; Stadler, Robert ; Nichols, Richard J. Long-lived charged states of single porphyrin-tape junctions under ambient conditionsArtikel Article 2021
5Tkacyzk, Sara ; Sengül, Özlem ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert The effect of charges and dipoles on the electron transport in molecular junctions containing pyrenePräsentation Presentation2021
6Völkl, Martin ; Schattauer, Christoph ; Libisch, Florian ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert DFT derived parameters for electron transport calculationsPräsentation Presentation2021
7Stadler, Robert Investigation of the detection mechanism in graphene based bio sensorsPräsentation Presentation2021
8Sengül, Özlem ; Völkle, Julia ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Electrode effects on the observability of destructive quantum interference and detection of small molecules on single molecular junctionsPräsentation Presentation2021
9Sengül, Özlem ; Völkle, Julia ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Detection of small gaseous molecules on pyrene molecular junctions via destructive quantum interferencePräsentation Presentation2021
10Sengül, Özlem ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Electrode effects on the observability of destructive quantum interference in single-molecule junctionsPräsentation Presentation2021
11Valli, Angelo ; Fabian, Thomas ; Libisch, Florian ; Stadler, Robert Theoretical derivation of a size limit for the observation of quantum interference in electron transport through graphene nanojunctionsPräsentation Presentation2021
12Valli, Angelo ; Gandus, Guido ; Passerone, Daniele ; Stadler, Robert Local orbitals for ab-initio and many-body simulations of nanoelectronic devicesPräsentation Presentation2021
13Valli, Angelo ; Gandus, Guido ; Passerone, Daniele ; Stadler, Robert Local orbitals for ab-initio and many-body simulations of nano devicesPräsentation Presentation2021
14Sengül, Özlem ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Electrode effects on the observability of destructive quantum interference in single-molecule junctionsArtikel Article 2021
15Sengül, Özlem ; Valli, Angelo ; Stadler, Robert Destructive Quantum Interference in Graphene-like Single Molecule JunctionsPräsentation Presentation2020
16Gandus, G. ; Valli, A. ; Passerone, D. ; Stadler, R. Smart local orbitals for efficient calculations within density functional theory and beyondArtikel Article 2020
17Zhao, Xin ; Stadler, Robert DFT-based study of electron transport through ferrocene compounds with different anchor groups in different adsorption configurations of an STM setupArtikel Article 2019
18Zhao, Xin ; Stadler, Robert Density functional theory based electron transport study of coherent tunneling through cyclic molecules containing Ru and Os as redox active centersArtikel Article 2019
19Stadler, Robert Theoretical Investigation of the detection mechanism in graphene based bio sensorsPräsentation Presentation2018
20Stadler, Robert ; Zhao, Xin ; Geskin, Victor Destructive quantum interference in electron transport: A reconciliation of the molecular orbital and the atomic orbital perspectivePräsentation Presentation2017

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Senguel OEzlem - 2023 - Destructive quantum interference as a novel paradigm for...pdf.jpgŞengül, Özlem Destructive quantum interference as a novel paradigm for chemical sensingThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Zhao Xin - 2018 - Electrochemical interference.pdf.jpgZhao, Xin Electrochemical interferenceThesis Hochschulschrift 2018