Full name Familienname, Vorname
Penthor, Stefan
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Results 1-20 of 53 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Fleiß, Benjamin ; Penthor, Stefan ; Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Fuchs, Josef Holistic assessment of oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion based on laboratory experiments and validation in 80 kW pilot plantArtikel Article 2022
2Mueller-2021-Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery-vor.pdf.jpgMüller, Stefan ; Theiss, Lara ; Fleiß, Benjamin ; Hammerschmid, Martin ; Fuchs, Josef ; Penthor, Stefan ; Rosenfeld, Daniel C. ; Lehner, Markus ; Hofbauer, Hermann Dual fluidized bed based technologies for carbon dioxide reduction - example hot metal productionArtikel Article Feb-2021
3Fleiss-2021-Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery-vor.pdf.jpgFleiß, B. ; Fuchs, J. ; Penthor, Stefan ; Arlt, S. ; Pachler, R. ; Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Innovative laboratory unit for pre-testing of oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustionArticle Artikel 2021
4Penthor, Stefan The OxyCar-FBC project: Improving biomass combustion in fluidized beds for higher efficiency and lower emissionsPräsentation Presentation2020
5Fuchs, Josef ; Zerobin, Florian ; Infantino, Melina ; Bertsch, Otmar ; Höckner, Ernst ; Saxinger, Markus ; Zehetner, Egon ; Dietrich, Florian ; Pirklbauer, Julius ; Penthor, Stefan ; Klingler, Andreas ; Wolf, Magdalena ; Hofer, Gerhard ; Schöny, Gerhard ; Pröll, Tobias ; van Paasen, Sander ; Hofbauer, Hermann Energy efficient CO2 capture and carbon neutral CO2 supply chain for greenhouse fertilization at Wien Simmering (ViennaGreenCO2)Bericht Report2020
6Fuchs, Josef ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Penthor, Stefan ; Benedikt, Florian ; Bartik, Alexander ; Hammerschmid, Martin ; Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Dual fluidized bed based technologies for carbon dioxide reductionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
7Mayer, Karl ; Penthor, Stefan ; Stollhof, Michael ; Hofbauer, Hermann Evaluation of a new DCFB reactor system for chemical looping combustion of gaseous fuelsArtikel Article 2019
8Fuchs Josef - 2019 - Dual fluidized bed based technologies for carbon dioxide...pdf.jpgFuchs, Josef ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Penthor, Stefan ; Benedikt, Florian ; Bartik, Alexander ; Hammerschmid, Martin ; Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Dual fluidized bed based technologies for carbon dioxide reductionInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2019
9Fuchs, Josef ; Schmid, Johannes Christian ; Benedikt, Florian ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Penthor, Stefan ; Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Influence of Bed Material Cycle Rate and Temperatures on the CO2 Transport during Sorption Enhanced Reforming of BiomassKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
10Stollhof, Michael ; Penthor, Stefan ; Mayer, Karl ; Hofbauer, Hermann Estimation of the solid circulation rate in circulating fluidized bed systemsArtikel Article 2018
11Mayer, Karl ; Piesenberger, Stephan ; Penthor, Stefan ; Pröll, Tobias ; Hofbauer, Hermann Chemical Looping Combustion Using Two Different Perovskite Based Oxygen Carriers: A Pilot StudyArtikel Article 2018
12Pachler, Robert F. ; Mayer, Karl ; Penthor, Stefan ; Kollerits, Mario ; Hofbauer, Hermann Fate of sulfur in chemical looping combustion of gaseous fuels using a copper-based oxygen carrierArtikel Article 2018
13Penthor, Stefan ; Stollhof, Michael ; Mayer, Karl ; Hofbauer, Hermann Developments of Fluidized Bed Conversion during 2011-2016 - Fluid dynamic evaluation of fluidized bed systems for innovative energy conversion processesBericht Report2017
14Penthor, Stefan Aktive Bettmaterialien zur Effizienzsteigerung in der WirbelschichtverbrennungPräsentation Presentation2017
15Penthor, Stefan ; Mattisson, Tobias ; Adanez Elorza, Juan ; Bertolin, Stephane ; Masi, Enrica ; Larring, Yngve ; Langorgen, Oyvind ; Ströhle, Jochen ; Snijkers, Frans ; Geerts, Lieve ; Pröll, Tobias ; Hofbauer, Hermann The EU-FP7 project SUCCESS - Scale-up of oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion using environmentally sustainable materialsArtikel Article2017
16Penthor, Stefan ; Mattisson, Tobias ; Adanez Elorza, Juan ; Bertolin, Stephane ; Masi, Enrica ; Larring, Yngve ; Langorgen, Oyvind ; Ströhle, Jochen ; Snijkers, Frans ; Pröll, Tobias ; Hofbauer, Hermann The EU-FP7 project SUCCESS - Preparing Chemical Looping Combustion for Demonstration ScaleKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
17Mayer, Karl ; Pachler, Robert ; Penthor, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Testing of two commercially produced oxygen carrier materials in a 120 kW CLC pilot unitKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
18Hamidouche, Ziad ; Masi, Enrica ; Fede, Pascal ; Neau, Herve ; Simonin, Olivier ; Mayer, Karl ; Penthor, Stefan ; Adanez Elorza, Juan Coupling between gas-solid reaction modeling and CFD multiphase approach for 3D numerical simulation of a 120 kWth CLC unit and comparison with experimental dataKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
19Winter, Franz ; Schmid, Johannes Christian ; Penthor, Stefan ; Schöny, Gerhard ; Rauch, Reinhard ; Swoboda, Matthias ; Reichhold, Alexander ; Hofbauer, Hermann Efficient Utilization of Resources: Fluidized Bed Technology as a Key TechnologyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
20Zerobin, Florian ; Penthor, Stefan ; Bertsch, Otmar ; Pröll, Tobias Fluidized bed reactor design study for pressurized chemical looping combustion of natural gasArtikel Article 2017

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).