Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mang, Herbert
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 872 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mang, Herbert Conditions for Extreme Values of the Stiffness of Proportionally Loaded StructuresPresentation VortragOct-2023
2Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Kalliauer, Johannes ; Wagner, Antonia ; Mang, Herbert Differential Geometric Split of the Strain Energy of Proportionally Loaded StructuresPresentation VortragSep-2023
3Binder, Eva ; Königsberger, Markus ; Flores, Rodrigo Díaz ; Mang, Herbert ; Hellmich, Christian ; Pichler, Bernhard L. A. Temperature-Dependent Behavior of Mature Cement Paste: Creep Testing and Multiscale ModelingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jun-2023
4Zhang-2023-Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology-vor.pdf.jpgZhang, Jiao-Long ; Yuan, Yong ; Liu, Xian ; Mang, Herbert ; Pichler, Bernhard L.A. Quantification of the safety against groundwater ingress through longitudinal joints of segmental tunnel linings by means of convergencesArticle Artikel Jun-2023
5Kalliauer, Johannes ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Wagner, Antonia ; Mang, Herbert Conditions for Extreme Values of the Stiffness of Proportionally Loaded StructuresInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJun-2023
6Binder, Eva ; Königsberger, Markus ; Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Mang, Herbert ; Hellmich, Christian ; Pichler, Bernhard Thermal Activation of Creep of Mature Cement Paste: Creep Experiments and Multiscale-Mechanics Relation to Molecular PropertiesInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJun-2023
7Zhang-2023-Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology-vor.pdf.jpgZhang, Jiao-Long ; Jiang, Zijie ; Liu, Xian ; Yuan, Yong ; Mang, Herbert ; Pichler, Bernhard Identification of deformed configurations of segmental tunnel rings based on measured convergencesArticle Artikel May-2023
8Liu, Xian ; Liu, Yifei ; Jiang, Zijie ; Wang, Jianhong ; Mang, Herbert Numerical investigation of the mechanical behavior of segmental tunnel linings reinforced by a steel plate – Concrete composite structureArticle Artikel 1-Feb-2023
9Kalliauer-2023-Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering-vor.pdf.jpgKalliauer, Johannes ; Mang, Herbert Conditions for minimum stiffness of proportionally loaded structuresArticle Artikel 1-Feb-2023
10Liu-2023-Engineering Structures-vor.pdf.jpgLiu, Xian ; Jiang, Zijie ; Mang, Herbert Experimental investigation of the influence of the timing of strengthening on the structural behavior of segmental tunnel liningsArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2023
11Binder-2023-Cement and Concrete Research-vor.pdf.jpgBinder, Eva ; Königsberger, Markus ; Díaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Mang, Herbert ; Hellmich, Christian ; Pichler, Bernhard L.A. Thermally activated viscoelasticity of cement paste: Minute-long creep tests and micromechanical link to molecular propertiesArticle Artikel Jan-2023
12Beigelbeck, Roman ; Mang, Herbert Fritz Paschke - NachrufBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2023
13Mang, Herbert Manfred Wicke - NachrufBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2023
14Kalliauer-2022-European Journal of Mechanics - ASolids-vor.pdf.jpgKalliauer, Johannes ; Mang, Herbert Are the terms stiffening/softening structures mechanically unambiguous?Article Artikel Nov-2022
15Jiang, Zijie ; Liu, Xian ; Schlappal, Thomas ; Zhang, Jiaolong ; Mang, Herbert ; Pichler, Bernhard Asymmetric serviceability limit states of segmental tunnel rings: Structural analysis of displacement-monitored real-scale testsPresentation Vortrag22-Jun-2022
16Mang, Herbert ; Kalliauer, Johannes Are the Terms Stiffening/Softening Structures Mechanically Unambiguous?Presentation Vortrag7-Jun-2022
17Zhang, Jiao-Long ; Mang, Herbert ; Pichler, Bernhard Added Value of Multiscale Modeling of Concrete: Exemplary Assessment by Means of Structural Analysis of Segmentel Tunnel RingsPresentation Vortrag6-Jun-2022
18Wang-2022-European Journal of Mechanics - ASolids-vor.pdf.jpgWang, Hui ; Yuan, Yong ; Mang, Herbert ; Ai, Qing ; Huang, Xingchun ; Pichler, Bernhard Thermal stresses in rectangular concrete beams, resulting from constraints at microstructure, cross-section, and supportsArticle Artikel May-2022
19Mang, Herbert Structural Analysis of Real-Scale Tests of Segmental Tunnel RingsPresentation Vortrag19-Apr-2022
20Zhang-2022-FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING-vor.pdf.jpgZhang, Jiaolong ; Binder, Eva ; Wang, Hui ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Pichler, Bernhard ; Yuan, Yong ; Mang, Herbert On the added value of multi-scale modeling of concreteArticle Artikel Jan-2022

Results 1-20 of 36 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Schlappal, Thomas Structural mechanics of reinforced concrete hinges: experiments, modeling, and design recommendationsThesis Hochschulschrift2019
2Wang, Hui Thermomechanical multiscale analysis of concrete and traffic infrastructure made of this materialThesis Hochschulschrift2018
3Zhang, Jiaolong Multiscale structural analysis of circular arches and segmental tunnel rings: nonlinear hybrid analysis of displacement-monitored experiments and pre-design considerationsThesis Hochschulschrift2018
4Bicanic, Nenad ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Meschke, Günther ; de Borst, Rene Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2014) - Volume 1Konferenzband Proceedings2014
5Bicanic, Nenad ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Meschke, Günther ; de Borst, Rene Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2014) - Volume 2Konferenzband Proceedings2014
6Eberhardsteiner, Josef Experimentelle MethodenBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2013
7Pichler, Bernhard ; Hellmich, Christian Upscaling Quasi-brittle Strength of Cement-based Materials: A Continuum Micromechanics ApproachKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
8Bicanic, Nenad ; Borst, René de ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Meschke, Günther Computational Modelling of Concrete StructuresBuch Book2010
9Hoefinger Gerhard - 2010 - Sensitivity analysis of the initial postbuckling...pdf.jpgHöfinger, Gerhard Sensitivity analysis of the initial postbuckling behavior of elastic structuresThesis Hochschulschrift 2010
10Jia, Xin ; Höfinger, Gerhard ; Mang, Herbert A. Imperfection Sensitivity or Insensitivity of Zero-Stiffness Postbuckling ... That Is the QuestionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
11Ring, Thomas ; Zeiml, Matthias ; Lackner, Roman Underground Structures Under Fire - From Material Modeling of Concrete Under Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading to Structural Safety AssessmentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
12Hofstetter, Karin ; Eitelberger, Johannes ; Bader, Thomas ; Hellmich, Christian ; Eberhardsteiner, Josef Computational Multiscale Approach to the Mechanical Behavior and Transport Behavior of WoodKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
13Yuan, Yong ; Cui, Junzhi ; Mang, Herbert A. Computational Structural Engineering, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Structural EngineeringKonferenzband Proceedings2009
14Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Hellmich, Christian ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Periaux, J. ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium - New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and FluidsKonferenzband Proceedings2009
15Lackner, Roman ; Pichler, Christian ; Jäger, Andreas ; Aigner, Elisabeth ; Füssl, Josef Multiscale Models for Building Materials - From Nanoindentation towards Structural Safety AssessmentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
16Mang, Herbert A. ; Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Hellmich, Christian Book of Abstracts of the ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium - New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids (EMJS08)Konferenzband Proceedings2008
17Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Beer, Gernot ; Hellmich, Christian ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Meschke, Günther ; Schubert, Wulf CD-ROM Proceedings of EURO:TUN 2007 ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in TunnellingKonferenzband Proceedings2007
18Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Beer, Gernot ; Hellmich, Christian ; Mang, Herbert A. ; Meschke, Günther ; Schubert, Wulf Book of Abstracts EURO:TUN 2007 ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in TunnelingKonferenzband Proceedings 2007
19Lackner, Roman ; Zeiml, Matthias ; Leithner, David ; Ferner, Georg ; Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Mang, Herbert A. Feuerlastinduziertes Abplatzverhalten von Beton in Hohlraumbauten (Spalling Behavior of Concrete in Underground Facilities Caused by Fire Load) (Projektbericht 9)Buch Book2007
20Jirasek, Milan ; Bittnar, Zdenek ; Mang, Herbert A. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials with Applications in Construction and Biomedical Engineering (MHM 2007)Konferenzband Proceedings2007