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Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Doubrawa, Irene Traditional Architecture on Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf, IranPräsentation Presentation2016
2Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Lehner, Erich ; Doubrawa, Irene Village Architecture in SumatraPräsentation Presentation2016
3Doubrawa, Irene Courtyard Houses on QeshmBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
4Doubrawa, Irene Architecture in SumbaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
5Doubrawa, Irene Foundation and Base. Function, Significance and Construction Techniques of the Substructure in Sumatra's Dwellings.Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
6Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Lehner, Erich ; Doubrawa, Irene Introduction. Village Architecture on SumatraBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
7Doubrawa, Irene Der rituelle Lebenszyklus - Schöpfung, Alterung und Verfall des Hauses auf Flores, OstindonesienPräsentation Presentation2013
8Doubrawa, Irene The Formation of Vernacular Architecture - an Approach to the Development Factors of Two House Types in Flores, IndonesiaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2013
9Doubrawa, Irene Flores Housing - Development of Two Vernacular Housetypes on an Eastern Indonesian IslandKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2012
10Doubrawa, Irene Entwicklungsphasen vernakulärer Architektur: Flores, IndonesienBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2012
11Doubrawa, Irene Development Stages of Vernacular Architecture in FloresPräsentation Presentation2011
12Doubrawa, Irene Raum und Gesellschaft im Sumbanesischen WohnhausPräsentation Presentation2011
13Doubrawa, Irene Sumba Baut : Tradition und Innovation der indigenen Architektur auf Sumba im Kontext der ostindonesischen InselweltKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
14Doubrawa, Irene Sumba Baut : Tradition und Innovation der indigenen Architektur auf Sumba - OstindonesienPräsentation Presentation2010
15Doubrawa, Irene Die Vernakuläre Architektur Ostindonesiens - Methoden, Ziele und Relevanz der Vergleichenden BauforschungPräsentation Presentation2010
16Doubrawa, Irene ; Zámolyi, Ferenc Gábor Transformation and Change in Bugis Architecture in South SulawesiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2010
17Doubrawa, Irene ; Zámolyi, Ferenc Gábor Model Houses in the Czurda CollectionBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2010
18Doubrawa, Irene ; Zámolyi, Ferenc Gábor Documenting the Past - Transformation and Change in South Sulawesi ArchitectureBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2009

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Doubrawa, Irene Traditional Architecture on Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf, IranBuch Book2016
2Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Doubrawa, Irene ; Lehner, Erich Village Architecture on Sumatra - A comparative study: Toba Batak, Karo Batak, MinangkabauBuch Book2016
3Doubrawa, Irene Courtyard Houses on QeshmBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
4Doubrawa, Irene Foundation and Base. Function, Significance and Construction Techniques of the Substructure in Sumatra's Dwellings.Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
5Rieger-Jandl, Andrea Introduction. Traditional Architecture on Qeshm IslandBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
6Rieger-Jandl, Andrea The Palm Garden Houses of Haft RangooBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
7Rieger-Jandl, Andrea ; Lehner, Erich ; Doubrawa, Irene Introduction. Village Architecture on SumatraBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
8Rieger-Jandl, Andrea Recent Changes in Architectural Identity among the Karo Batak, Toba Batak and MinangkabauBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2016
9Lehner, Erich ; Doubrawa, Irene ; Ikaputra, Ikaputra Insular Diversity. Architecture - Culture - Identity in IndonesiaBuch Book2013
10Doubrawa, Irene The Formation of Vernacular Architecture - an Approach to the Development Factors of Two House Types in Flores, IndonesiaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2013
11Ferschin, Peter ; Di Angelo, Monika An Approach to Formalize Traditional Balinese Architecture with Design GrammarsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011