Full name Familienname, Vorname
Hofmann, Rene
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Results 1-20 of 173 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Huber-2024-Chemical Engineering Science-vor.pdf.jpgHuber, David ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, René Unlocking the potential of synthetic fuel production: Coupled optimization of heat exchanger network and operating parameters of a 1 MW power-to-liquid plantArticle Artikel 5-Feb-2024
2Kasper-2023-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgKasper, Lukas ; Schwarzmayr, Paul ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Javernik, Florian ; Schwaiger, Michael ; Hofmann, Rene A digital twin-based adaptive optimization approach applied to waste heat recovery in green steel production: Development and experimental investigationArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2024
3Schwarzmayr-2024-Journal of Energy Storage-vor.pdf.jpgSchwarzmayr, Paul ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Walter, Heimo ; Javernik, Florian ; Schwaiger, Michael ; Hofmann, Rene Packed bed thermal energy storage for waste heat recovery in the iron and steel industry: A cold model study on powder hold-up and pressure dropArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2024
4Zechner, Nicole ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, Rene Modeling the thermal processes in a short cycle press to improve product qualityInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag3-Oct-2023
5Kasper-2023-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgKasper, Lukas ; Pernsteiner, Dominik ; Schirrer, Alexander ; Jakubek, Stefan ; Hofmann, René Experimental characterization, parameter identification and numerical sensitivity analysis of a novel hybrid sensible/latent thermal energy storage prototype for industrial retrofit applicationsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2023
6Huber-2023-Energies-vor.pdf.jpgHuber, David ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, Rene HENS Unchained: MILP Implementation of Multi-Stage Utilities with Stream Splits, Variable Temperatures and Flow CapacitiesArticle Artikel 15-Jun-2023
7Huber, David ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, Rene Non-Pareto optimal solutions as enablers for versatile heat exchanger networksInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jun-2023
8Huber, David ; Werdinig, Kathrin ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, Rene Highly efficient heat integration of a power-to-liquid process using MILPInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Jun-2023
9Birkelbach, Felix ; Kasper, Lukas ; Schwarzmayr, Paul ; Hofmann, Rene Operation planning with thermal storage units using MILP: Comparison of heuristics for approximating non-linear operating behaviorInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJun-2023
10Tubeuf, Carlotta ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Maly, Anton ; Krause, Maximilian ; Hofmann, René Enabling Reinforcement Learning for Flexible Energy Systems Through Transfer Learning on a Digital Twin PlatformInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJun-2023
11Freiin von Tubeuf-2023-Using Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Operationa...-ao.pdf.jpgFreiin von Tubeuf, Carlotta Sophie ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, Rene Using Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Operational Strategies for Wind Energy SystemsPresentation Vortrag 26-May-2023
12Schwarzmayr-2023-Applied Energy-vor.pdf.jpgSchwarzmayr, Paul ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Walter, Heimo ; Hofmann, René Standby efficiency and thermocline degradation of a packed bed thermal energy storage: An experimental studyArticle Artikel 1-May-2023
13Tubeuf-2023-Energies-vor.pdf.jpgTubeuf, Carlotta ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Maly, Anton ; Hofmann, René Increasing the Flexibility of Hydropower with Reinforcement Learning on a Digital Twin PlatformArticle Artikel Feb-2023
14Schwarzmayr, Paul ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Walter, Heimo ; Hofmann, René Study on the Standby Characteristics of a Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage: Experimental Results and Model Based Parameter OptimizationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
15Fischer, Martin ; Schenzel, Karl Wilhelm ; Hofmann, René Multi-stage optimization for marketing industrial flexibilityInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
16Zabik, Gabriela ; Birkelbach, Felix ; Hofmann, René Qualitative Comparison of On-Site Production of Hydrogen and Its Synthesis Products for Steel Processing IndustryInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
172023-Wind Energy-vor.pdf.jpgRequate Niklas ; Meyer, Tobias ; Hofmann, Rene From wind conditions to operational strategy: optimal planning of wind turbine damage progression over its lifetimeArticle Artikel 2023
18Ruela-2023-IEEE Access-vor.pdf.jpgRuela, Victor ; Van Beurden, Paul ; Sinnema, Sido ; Hofmann, Rene ; Birkelbach, Felix A global solution approach to the energy-efficient ladle dispatching problem with refractory temperature controlArticle Artikel 2023
19Schenzel, Karl-Wilhelm ; Fischer, Martin ; Zlabinger, Erwin ; Hofmann, Rene Flexibility Identification of an Industrial ProductionInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag13-Oct-2022
20Hofmann, Rene New optimization paradigms for sector-coupled industrial energy systemsPresentation Vortrag26-Sep-2022

Results 1-20 of 46 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Steiner Michael - 2023 - Analysis and evaluation of decarbonization measures in...pdf.jpgSteiner, Michael Analysis and evaluation of decarbonization measures in synthetic resin productionThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Haider Stefan - 2023 - Operational optimization of an industrial energy system...pdf.jpgHaider, Stefan Operational optimization of an industrial energy system considering balancing energy marketsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Kasper Lukas - 2023 - Improving thermal energy storage via storage retrofit and...pdf.jpgKasper, Lukas Improving thermal energy storage via storage retrofit and digital twin technologyThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Weissegger Christian - 2023 - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuartigen Methode...pdf.jpgWeißegger, Christian Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuartigen Methode zur Optimierung des Kautschuk Mischprozesses basierend auf Fingerprint-DiagrammenThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Krause Maximilian Wilhelm - 2023 - Modellierung einer Pumpturbine fuer flexiblen...pdf.jpgKrause, Maximilian Wilhelm Modellierung einer Pumpturbine für flexiblen BetriebThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
6Stampfli Jan - 2023 - Retrofit for multi-period processes for practical heat...pdf.jpgStampfli, Jan Retrofit for multi-period processes for practical heat exchanger network designThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Antonijevic Nikola - 2023 - Increasing the Efficiency of Austrian Gas...pdf.jpgAntonijevic, Nikola Increasing the Efficiency of Austrian Gas Distribution - Best Practice Examples and Derivation of Optimization MeasuresThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
8OEfferlbauer Roman - 2023 - Optimization of self-sufficient energy hubs.pdf.jpgÖfferlbauer, Roman Optimization of self-sufficient energy hubsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
9Gesell, Daniel Smartes Messkonzept für einen digitalen Zwilling einer ExtruderlinieThesis Hochschulschrift2022
10Prendl Leopold - 2022 - Advanced synthesis methods for renewable energy...pdf.jpgPrendl, Leopold Advanced synthesis methods for renewable energy integration and automated data-driven model adaption for industrial systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
11Frenzel, Patrick Wissensbasis eines Extrusionsprozesses für einen Digital TwinThesis Hochschulschrift2021
12Freiin von Tubeuf Carlotta Sophie - 2021 - Optimal experimental design for the...pdf.jpgFreiin von Tubeuf, Carlotta Sophie Optimal experimental design for the analysis of a novel hybrid steam storageThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
13Sporr Andreas - 2021 - Automated HVAC control creation on provisioning and...pdf.jpgSporr, Andreas Automated HVAC control creation on provisioning and distributing side based on building information modelling and inclusion of renewable energy systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
14Zabik Gabriela - 2021 - Energieanalyse gekoppelter Prozesse der...pdf.jpgZabik, Gabriela Energieanalyse gekoppelter Prozesse der energieintensiven Industrie zur betrieblichen Optimierung und LastflexibilisierungThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
15Halmschlager Verena - 2021 - Development of an optimization framework and...pdf.jpgHalmschlager, Verena Development of an optimization framework and grey-box modeling concepts for industrial applicationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
16Muellner Stefan - 2021 - Grey box modeling of a packed bed regenerator.pdf.jpgMüllner, Stefan Grey box modeling of a packed bed regeneratorThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
17Stagl, Martin Johann Servitization of 5D-digital twins for industrial energy storage systemsThesis Hochschulschrift2020
18Leitner Benedikt - 2020 - Sector integration of district heating and electrical...pdf.jpgLeitner, Benedikt Sector integration of district heating and electrical networks: Methods for simulation, control and designThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
19Grimm Sascha - 2020 - Ein Vergleich des Land- und Flusstransports von Guetern...pdf.jpgGrimm, Sascha Ein Vergleich des Land- und Flusstransports von Gütern großer Abmessungen hinsichtlich Energieeinsatz, Emissionen und DauerThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
20Dusek Sabrina - 2020 - Component design of a hybrid thermal energy storage for...pdf.jpgDusek, Sabrina Component design of a hybrid thermal energy storage for increased flexibilityThesis Hochschulschrift 2020