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Ketcheson, David

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Auzinger Winfried - 2016 - Practical splitting methods for the adaptive...pdf.jpgAuzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Ketcheson, David ; Koch, Othmar Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear evolution equations. Part I: Construction of optimized schemes and pairs of schemesArticle Artikel Mar-2017
2Auzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Ketcheson, David ; Koch, Othmar ; Thalhammer, Mechthild Higher-order time-adaptive splitting schemes for evolution equationsPräsentation Presentation2016
3Auzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Ketcheson, David ; Koch, Othmar ; Thalhammer, Mechthild Local error estimation and adaptive splitting in timePräsentation Presentation2016
4Auzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Ketcheson, David ; Koch, Othmar Splitting schemes, order conditions, and optimized pairsPräsentation Presentation2015
5Auzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Ketcheson, David ; Koch, Othmar Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear evolution equations. Part I: Construction of optimized schemes and pairs of schemesBericht Report2015