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Mayr, Maximilian

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1Mayr, Maximilian ; Nabi, Hasan Sadat ; Jordan, Steffen ; Altieri-Weimar, Paola ; Fafilek, Günter Investigation of Corrosion Mechanisms of Copper Microstructures Underneath Polymer Coatings: Experiment and SimulationPresentation Vortrag30-May-2023
2Mayr, Maximilian ; Fafilek, Günter ; Jordan, Steffen ; Nabi, Hasan Sadat ; Altieri-Weimar, Paola Investigation of copper corrosion mechanisms in convection-free aqueous media using a thin layer test cell and simulationPresentation Vortrag31-Aug-2022
3Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Pagnin, Laura ; Wiesinger, Rita ; Schreiner, Manfred ; Limbeck, Andreas Combined LA‑ICP‑MS/LIBS: powerful analytical tools for the investigation of polymer alteration after treatment under corrosive conditionsArtikel Article 2020
4Mayr Maximilian - 2019 - Investigation of polymer and copper degradation under...pdf.jpgMayr, Maximilian Investigation of polymer and copper degradation under corrosive conditions using LIBS and LA-ICP-MSThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
5Felgitsch, Laura ; Seifried, Teresa ; Vlasich, Julian ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Grothe, Hinrich Surface extracts of birch tree samples contain ice-nucleating macromoleculesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
6Limbeck, Andreas ; Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Pagnin, Laura ; Wiesinger, Rita ; Schreiner, Manfred Degradation of Modern Art Materials: comprehensive examination by the combined use of LIBS and LA-ICP-MSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
7Seifried, Teresa ; Bieber, Paul ; Poon, Fung-Yee L. ; Felgitsch, Laura ; Baloh, Philipp ; Burkart, Julia ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Momken, Erfan ; Winkler, Philipp ; Crockett, Hamilton ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Ice Nucleation Activity and Fluorescence Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles from Birch TreesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
8Mayr, Maximilian ; Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Lohninger, Johann ; Limbeck, Andreas Investigation of Polymer Degradation under Corrosive Conditions Using Tandem LA-ICP-MS/LIBSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
9Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Lohninger, Johann ; Limbeck, Andreas Investigation of Polymer Degradation under Corrosive Conditions Using Tandem LA-ICP-MS/LIBSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
10Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Bonta, Maximilian ; Mack, Walter ; Preu, Harald ; Schäffer, Carsten ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Limbeck, Andreas LA-ICP-MS and LIBS: Analytical Techniques for Lateral Resolved Elemental Analysis applied to Corrosion Studies in Semiconductor DevicesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
11Brunnbauer, Lukas ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Limbeck, Andreas Tandem LA-ICP-MS/LIBS Analysis of Polymer Coatings: Investigating Degradation under exposure to UV-radiation and SO2Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
12Felgitsch, Laura ; Baloh, Philipp ; Burkart, Julia ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Momken, Mohammad E. ; Seifried, Teresa M. ; Winkler, Philipp ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromoleculesArtikel Article 2018
13Felgitsch, Laura ; Seifried, Teresa ; Baloh, Philipp ; Burkart, Julia ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Momken, Erfan ; Winkler, Philipp ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromoleculesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
14Felgitsch, Laura ; Mayr, Maximilian ; Seifried, Teresa ; Winkler, Philipp ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Birch Trees as Sources of Ice Nucleating MacromoleculesPräsentation Presentation2017
15Mayr, Maximilian ; Felgitsch, Laura ; Winkler, Philipp ; Seifried, Teresa ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Birch Trees as sources for biological ice nucleiPräsentation Presentation2017