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Feng, Zhenbao

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Lin, Kang ; Brennecke, Simon ; Ni, Hongcheng ; Chen, Xiang ; Hartung, Alexander ; Trabert, Daniel ; Fehre, Kilian ; Rist, Jonas ; Tong, Xiao-Min ; Burgdörfer, Joachim ; Schmidt, Lothar Ph H ; Schöffler, Markus S ; Jahnke, Till ; Kunitski, Maksim ; He, Feng ; Lein, Manfred ; Eckart, Sebastian ; Dörner, Reinhard Magnetic-Field Effect in High-Order Above-Threshold IonizationArticle Artikel 14-Jan-2022
2Feng, Zhenbao ; Löffler, Stefan ; Eder, Franz ; Su, Dangsheng ; Meyer, Jannik C. ; Schattschneider, Peter Combined study of the ground and unoccupied electronic states of graphite by electron energy-loss spectroscopyArtikel Article2013
3Feng Zhenbao - 2013 - Investigation of the electron momentum density of solids...pdf.jpgFeng, Zhenbao Investigation of the electron momentum density of solids by electron energy loss spectroscopyThesis Hochschulschrift 2013
4Feng, Z. ; Löffler, Stefan ; Su, D.S. ; Schattschneider, Peter Determination the position of the Compton scattering in energy loss spectroscopyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012