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Mikusch, Gerfried

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mikusch-2023-GIForum - Journal for Geographic Information Science-vor.pdf.jpgMikusch, Gerfried ; Petz, Andreas ; Steiner, Elisabeth ; Tabakovic, Momir ; Tellioglu, Hilda Environmental data sensing through participatory urbanism. A best-practice analysis and city-administration perspectiveArticle Artikel Dec-2023
2Pühringer, Florian ; Bürbaumer, Magdalena ; Mikusch, Gerfried Vorstellung Aspern.mobil LABPresentation Vortrag5-Jul-2023
3Mikusch, Gerfried EnviSense - Supporting environmental awareness through urban data sensorsPresentation Vortrag17-Nov-2022
4Mikusch, Gerfried ; Tellioglu, Hilda ; Andreas Petz ; Elisabeth Steiner ; Tabakovic, Momir EvniSenseReport Bericht31-Oct-2022
5Mikusch, Gerfried ; Tellioglu, Hilda ; Kadic, Marko Design Games as co-design toolPresentation Vortrag16-Sep-2022
6Tellioğlu, Hilda ; Wagner, Marlene ; Habiger, Michael ; Mikusch, Gerfried Living Labs Reconsidered for Community Building and MaintenanceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
7Habiger, Michael ; Mikusch, Gerfried Making urban data experienceable through vibrotactile feedback and engaging visualizations.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
8Pichlhöfer, Lukas ; Mikusch, Gerfried ; Tellioglu, Hilda Pocobo - Collecting air pollution data with a bicycle mounted devicePräsentation Presentation2019
9Mikusch Gerfried - 2016 - Support social awareness across distributed work...pdf.jpgMikusch, Gerfried Support social awareness across distributed work groups with interactive tangible devicsThesis Hochschulschrift 2016