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Lukasiewicz, Thomas
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Results 1-20 of 153 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kocijan, Vid ; Jang, Myeongjun ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Pre-training and diagnosing knowledge base completion modelsArticle Artikel Apr-2024
2Zhang, Jiaojiao ; Zhang, Shuo ; Shen, Xiaoqian ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Xu, Zhenghua Multi-ConDoS: Multimodal Contrastive Domain Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Self-Supervised Medical Image SegmentationArticle Artikel Jan-2024
3Xu, Zhenghua ; Yu, Zhoutao ; Zhang, Hexiang ; Chen, Junyang ; Gu, Junhua ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Leung, Victor C. M. PhaCIA-TCNs: Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Temporal Convolutional Networks With Parallel Hybrid Activated Convolution and Input AttentionArticle Artikel Jan-2024
4Mahon-2024-Pattern Recognition-vor.pdf.jpgMahon, Louis ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexityArticle Artikel Jan-2024
5Song-2024-Nature Neuroscience-vor.pdf.jpgSong, Yuhang ; Millidge, Beren ; Salvatori, Tommaso ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Xu, Zhenghua ; Bogacz, Rafal Inferring neural activity before plasticity as a foundation for learning beyond backpropagationArticle Artikel 2024
6Yu, Miao ; Guo, Miaomiao ; Zhang, Shuai ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Zhao, Mingkang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Xu, Zhenghua RIRGAN: An end-to-end lightweight multi-task learning method for brain MRI super-resolution and denoisingArticle Artikel Dec-2023
7Kocijan, Vid ; Davis, Ernest ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Marcus, Gary ; Morgenstern, Leora The Defeat of the Winograd Schema ChallengeArticle Artikel Dec-2023
8Frieder, Simon ; Berner, Julius ; Petersen, Philipp ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Large Language Models for MathematiciansArticle ArtikelDec-2023
9Xu, Zhenghua ; Tian, Biao ; Liu, Shijie ; Wang, Xiangtao ; Yuan, Di ; Gu, Junhua ; Chen, Junyang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Leung, Victor C. M. Collaborative Attention Guided Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Medical Image SegmentationArticle Artikel 14-Nov-2023
10Xu, Zhenghua ; Zhang, Xudong ; Zhang, Hexiang ; Liu, Yunxin ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas EFPN: Effective medical image detection using feature pyramid fusion enhancementArticle Artikel Sep-2023
11Giunchiglia, Eleonora ; Stoian, Mihaela Cătălina ; Khan, Salman ; Cuzzolin, Fabio ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ROAD-R: the autonomous driving dataset with logical requirementsArticle Artikel 1-May-2023
12Yuan, Di ; Xu, Zhenghua ; Tian, Biao ; Wang, Hening ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas μ-Net: Medical image segmentation using efficient and effective deep supervisionArticle Artikel 23-Apr-2023
13Tang, Mufeng ; Salvatori, Tommaso ; Millidge, Beren ; Song, Yuhang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Bogacz, Rafal Recurrent predictive coding models for associative memory employing covariance learningArticle Artikel 14-Apr-2023
14Xu, Zhenghua ; Li, Tianrun ; Liu, Yunxin ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Chen, Junyang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas PAC-Net: Multi-pathway FPN with position attention guided connections and vertex distance IoU for 3D medical image detectionArticle Artikel 2-Feb-2023
15Sha, Lei ; Camburu, Oana-Maria ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Rationalizing predictions by adversarial information calibrationArticle Artikel Feb-2023
16Li, Yikuan ; Mamouei, Mohammad ; Salimi-Khorshidi, Gholamreza ; Rao, Shishir ; Hassaine, Abdelaali ; Canoy, Dexter ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Rahimi, Kazem Hi-BEHRT: Hierarchical Transformer-Based Model for Accurate Prediction of Clinical Events Using Multimodal Longitudinal Electronic Health RecordsArticle Artikel Feb-2023
17Yuan, Di ; Liu, Yunxin ; Xu, Zhenghua ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Chen, Junyang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Painless and accurate medical image analysis using deep reinforcement learning with task-oriented homogenized automatic pre-processingArticle Artikel Feb-2023
18Jang, Myeongjun ; Majumder, Bodhisattwa Prasad ; McAuley, Julian ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Camburu, Oana-Maria KNOW How to Make Up Your Mind! Adversarially Detecting and Remedying Inconsistencies in Natural Language ExplanationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
19Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Malizia, Enrico ; Molinaro, Cristian Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Preferred RepairsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
20Salvatori, Tommaso ; Millidge, Beren ; Song, Yuhang ; Bogacz, Rafal ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Associative Memories in the Feature SpaceInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023

Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Hohenecker Patrick - 2016 - Deep learning fuer das Semantic Web.pdf.jpgHohenecker, Patrick Deep learning für das Semantic WebThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
2Eiter, Thomas ; Krennwallner, Thomas ; Schneider, Patrik ; Xiao, Guohui Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic DL-ProgramsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
3Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Penaloza, Rafael ; Turhan, Anni-Yasmin Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics (UniDL 2010)Konferenzband Proceedings 2010
4Bobillo, Fernando ; Carvalho, Rommel ; da Costa, Paulo C. G. ; d´Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Laskey, Kathryn B. ; Laskey, Kenneth J. ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Martin, Trevor ; Nickles, Matthias ; Pool, Michael Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2010)Konferenzband Proceedings 2010
5Pichler, Reinhard ; Polleres, Axel ; Skritek, Sebastian ; Woltran, Stefan Redundancy Elimination on RDF Graphs in the Presence of Rules, Constraints, and QueriesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2010
6Bobillo, Fernando ; da Costa, Paulo C. G. ; d´Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Laskey, Kathryn B. ; Laskey, Kenneth J. ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Martin, Trevor ; Nickles, Matthias ; Pool, Michael ; Smrz, Pavel Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2009)Konferenzband Proceedings 2009
7d´Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Fazzinga, Bettina ; Gottlob, Georg ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Combining Semantic Web Search with the Power of Inductive ReasoningKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2009
8d’Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Tractable Reasoning with Bayesian Description LogicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2008
9Fanizzi, Nicola ; d´Amato, Claudia ; Esposito, Floriana ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Representing Uncertain Concepts in Rough Description Logics via Contextual Indiscernibility RelationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2008
10da Costa, Paulo C. G. ; d´Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Laskey, Kathryn B. ; Laskey, Kenneth J. ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Nickles, Matthias ; Pool, Michael Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web IBuch Book 2008
11Greco, Sergio ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Scalable Uncertainty ManagementKonferenzband Proceedings 2008
12Bobillo, Fernando ; da Costa, Paulo C. G. ; d´Amato, Claudia ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Laskey, Kathryn B. ; Laskey, Kenneth J. ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Martin, Trevor ; Nickles, Matthias ; Pool, Michael ; Smrz, Pavel Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008). Volume 423 of CEUR Workshop ProceedingsKonferenzband Proceedings 2008
13Calì, Andrea ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic WebBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2008
14Calì, Andrea ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Predoiu, Livia ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner Rule-Based Approaches for Representing Probabilistic Ontology MappingsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution 2008
15Cali, Andrea ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Prodoiu, Livia ; Stuckenschmidt, Heiner A Framework for Representing Ontology Mappings under Probabilities and InconsistencyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2007
16Bobillo, Fernando ; Costa, Paulo ; Fanizzi, Nicola ; Fung, Francis ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas ; Martin, Trevor ; Nickles, Matthias ; Peng, Yun ; Pool, Michael ; Smrz, Pavel ; Vojt, Peter Proceedings of the ISWC-2007 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2007).Konferenzband Proceedings 2007