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Huber, Tobias
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Results 1-20 of 86 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Achleitner, Birgit ; Willner, Jakob ; Podsednik, Maximilian ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Michel Nelhiebel ; Huber, Tobias ; Knaack, Patrick ; Limbeck, Andreas In-situ LIBS study of temperature induced processes in material analysisInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag4-Sep-2023
2Weiss, Maximilian ; Holzer, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Huber, Tobias ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl A novel sample cell for the detection of protons in ceramic materials by an in-situ combination of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and electrochemistryPresentation Vortrag30-May-2023
3Steinbach, Claudia ; Schmid, Alexander ; Huber, Tobias ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen Partial pressure dependence of the space charge between SrTiO₃ and mixed conducting La₀.₆Sr₀.₄FeO₃, La₀.₆₅Sr₀.₃₅MnO₃ and La₀.₉Sr₀.₁CrO₃Presentation Vortrag30-May-2023
4Steinbach, Claudia ; Schmid, Alexander ; Nenning, Andreas ; Huber, Tobias ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen Exploring space charge effects at SrTiO₃|mixed ionic and electronic oxide heterojunctionsPresentation Vortrag29-May-2023
5Weiss, Maximilian ; Anstiss, Melanie ; Holzer, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Huber, Tobias ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl Insights into triple conducting oxides as cathodes for electrochemical nitrogen hydrogenationPresentation Vortrag29-May-2023
6Weiss, Maximilian ; Huber, Tobias ; Holzer, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl Multimodal characterization for proton conducting oxide-based electrochemical nitrogen fixation cellsPresentation Vortrag13-Apr-2023
7Podsednik, Maximilian ; Willner, Jakob ; Achleitner, Birgit ; Huber, Tobias ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Limbeck, Andreas Time-resolved analysis of copper scaling by in-situ LIBS measurements at elevated temperatures in different oxygen partial pressuresInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag11-Apr-2023
8Achleitner, Birgit ; Willner, Jakob ; Podsednik, Maximilian ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Huber, Tobias ; Knaack, Patrick ; Limbeck, Andreas In-situ investigation of the thermal behaviour of polymers using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag11-Apr-2023
9Weiss-2023-Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as an universal platform ...-vor.pdf.jpgWeiss, Maximilian ; Holzer, Alexander ; Krammer, Martin ; Huber, Tobias ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Limbeck, Andreas Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as an universal platform for investigating proton conducting oxidesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Feb-2023
10Huber, Tobias Advanced Tools for Experiments in Solid State IonicsPresentation Vortrag16-Jan-2023
11Achleitner, Birgit ; Podsednik, Maximilian ; Willner, Jakob ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Huber, Tobias ; Knaack, Patrick ; Limbeck, Andreas In-situ study of temperature related changes in polymers using LIBSInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
12Podsednik, Maximilian ; Achleitner, Birgit ; Willner, Jakob ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Huber, Tobias ; Limbeck, Andreas Time-resolved investigation of copper scaling at different temperatures by in-situ LIBS measurementsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
13Willner, Jakob ; Podsednik, Maximilian ; Achleitner, Birgit ; Huber, Tobias ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Larisegger, Silvia ; Limbeck, Andreas Implementation of a new heating stage for in-situ LIBS analysis of temperature induced processesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
14Viernstein, Alexander ; Kubicek, Markus ; Morgenbesser, Maximilian ; Huber, Tobias M. ; Ellmeyer, Emil ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Vaz, Carlos ; Fleig, Jürgen Mechanism of photo-ionic stoichiometry changes in SrTiO₃Article Artikel 1-Oct-2022
15Nenning-2022-Journal of The Electrochemical Society-vor.pdf.jpgNenning, Andreas ; Reuter, Stefan ; Schlesinger, Richard ; Summerer, Harald ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Holzmann, Manuel ; Huber, Tobias M. ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Opitz, Alexander K. Surface and Defect Chemistry of Porous La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ Electrodes on Polarized Three-Electrode CellsArticle Artikel 20-Sep-2022
16Nenning, Andreas ; Summerer, Harald ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Reuter, Stefan ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Huber, Tobias ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Fleig, Jürgen Surface and defect chemistry of porous La0.6Sr0.4FeO₃ electrodes on polarized 3-electrode cellsPresentation Vortrag12-Jul-2022
17Huber, Tobias ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Böhme, Christin ; Schmid, Alexander ; Riedl, Christoph ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Kubicek, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen Setting up a Multi-Analytical Tool for Pulsed Laser Deposition (i-PLD)Presentation VortragJul-2022
18Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Baiutti, Federico ; de Dios Sirvent, Juan ; Huber, Tobias M. ; Viernstein, Alexander ; Smetaczek, Stefan ; Herzig, Christopher ; Liedke, Maciej Oskar ; Butterling, Maik ; Wagner, Andreas ; Hirschmann, Eric ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Tarancon, Albert ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Kubicek, Markus Exploring point defects and trap states in undoped SrTiO₃ single crystalsArticle Artikel Apr-2022
19Viernstein, Alexander ; Kubicek, Markus ; Morgenbesser, Maximilian ; Huber, Tobias ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Fleig, Jürgen How UV light lowers the conductivity of SrTiO3 by photochemical water splitting at elevated temperatureArticle Artikel 21-Mar-2022
20Siebenhofer, Matthäus ; Huber, Tobias ; Artner, Werner ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Kubicek, Markus Substrate stoichiometry changes during pulsed laser deposition: a case study on SrTiO₃Artikel Article 15-Jan-2021

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schlesinger Richard - 2018 - Modeling and evaluation of three-terminal impedance...pdf.jpgSchlesinger, Richard Modeling and evaluation of three-terminal impedance measurement configurations for solid oxide fuel cell electrodesThesis Hochschulschrift 2018