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Damyanov, Aleksandar Aleksandrov
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Results 1-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Ellmers, Uwe ; Garbi Lopez, Alba ; Küppers, Wolfgang ; Schwizer, Erich ; Sommer, Yoann ; Van Mensch, Pim ; Gielen, Guido ; Van Ratingen, Michiel ; Jungmeier, Gerfried Green NCAP, Evaluation of the Exhaust Gas Behaviour and the Energy Efficiency of Modern Cars under Demanding ConditionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
2Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter Utilisation of sustainable Ethanol in a Dual-Fuel Diesel EngineArtikel Article2021
3Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter Biogenous Ethanol: CO2 Savings and Operation in a Dual-Fuel Designed Diesel EngineKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
4Damyanov, Aleksandar Aleksandrov ; Hofmann, Peter Biogenous Ethanol: CO<sub>2</sub> Savings and Operation in a Dual-Fuel Designed Diesel EngineKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
5Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter Operation of a diesel engine with intake manifold alcohol injectionPräsentation Presentation2019
6Damyanov, Aleksandar Aleksandrov ; Hofmann, Peter Biogenous Ethanol: CO2 Savings and Operationin a Dual-Fuel Designed Diesel EngineArtikel Article2019
7Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter ; Pichler, Thomas Michael ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus Biogenous Ethers - Production and Operation in a Diesel EngineArtikel Article2019
8Damyanov, Aleksandar Alcoholic Fuels in Diesel Engines. Methanol, Ethanol and ButanolBericht Report2019
9Damyanov Aleksandar - 2019 - Operation of a diesel engine with intake manifold...pdf.jpgDamyanov, Aleksandar Aleksandrov ; Hofmann, Peter Operation of a diesel engine with intake manifold alcohol injectionArticle Artikel 2019
10Damyanov Aleksandar Aleksandrov - 2019 - Combustion process development and...pdf.jpgDamyanov, Aleksandar Aleksandrov Combustion process development and diesel engine suitability investigations for oxygenated alternative fuelsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
11Damyanov, Aleksandar Alcoholic Fuels in Diesel Engines. Methanol, Ethanol and ButanolBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
12Damyanov, Aleksandar Diesel-OME-BlendsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
13Damyanov, Aleksandar Fischer-Tropsch-DieselBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
14Damyanov, Aleksandar Tributylcitrat, Butyllevulinat und Diglyme als mögliche sauerstoffhaltige Biokomponenten im DieselkraftstoffBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
15Damyanov, Aleksandar Di-n-Butylether (DBE)Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
16Damyanov, Aleksandar Hydriertes Pflanzenöl (HVO)Buchbeitrag Book Contribution2019
17Damyanov Aleksandar - 2018 - Biogenous ethers production and operation in a...pdf.jpgDamyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter ; Geringer, Bernhard ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus ; Pichler, Thomas ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus Biogenous ethers: production and operation in a diesel engineArticle Artikel Aug-2018
18Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter ; Pichler, Thomas Michael ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus Biogene Ether - Herstellung und Einsatz im dieselmotorischen BetriebSpezialbeitrag Special Contribution2018
19Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter ; Drack, Joachim ; Pichler, Thomas ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus Operation of a Diesel Engine with Biogenous Oxymethylene EthersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
20Damyanov, Aleksandar ; Hofmann, Peter ; Derntl, Michael ; Schüßler, Martin ; Pichler, Thomas ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus Einsatz von biogenen sauerstoffhaltigen Kraftstoffen in einem Dieselmotor | Operation of a Diesel engine with biogenous oxygenated fuelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).