Full name Familienname, Vorname
Antlanger, Moritz
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kahl, Gerhard ; Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Trizac, E The rich wealth of ordered ground state configurations of Wigner bilayer systemsPräsentation Presentation2018
2Kahl, Gerhard ; Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Trizac, E The polymorphic plethora of Wigner bilayer systemsPräsentation Presentation2018
3Antlanger, Moritz ; Kahl, Gerhard ; Mazars, Martial ; Šamaj, Ladislav ; Trizac, Emmanuel The asymmetric Wigner bilayerArtikel Article 2018
4Antlanger, Moritz ; Kahl, Gerhard ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Trizac, E The polymorphic plethora of Wigner bilayer systemsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
5Antlanger, Moritz ; Kahl, Gerhard ; Mazars, Martial ; Šamaj, Ladislav ; Trizac, Emmanuel The polymorphic behavior of Wigner bilayersArtikel Article 2016
6Heinemann, Thomas ; Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Klapp, Sabine H. L. ; Kahl, Gerhard Equilibrium structures of anisometric, quadrupolar particles confined to a monolayerArtikel Article 2016
7Antlanger Moritz - 2015 - Ordered equilibrium structures in systems with...pdf.jpgAntlanger, Moritz Ordered equilibrium structures in systems with long-range interactionsThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
8Antlanger, Moritz Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixturePräsentation Presentation2014
9Antlanger, Moritz Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixturePräsentation Presentation2014
10Antlanger, Moritz The asymmetric Wigner bilayer problemPräsentation Presentation2014
11Antlanger, Moritz ; Doppelbauer, Günther ; Mazars, Martial ; Kahl, Gerhard Ordered equilibrium structures of soft spheres in slit-pore confinementPräsentation Presentation2014
12Antlanger, Moritz ; Kahl, Gerhard Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixturePräsentation Presentation2014
13Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Kahl, Gerhard ; Trizac, E Ordered equilibrium structures in classical asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystalsPräsentation Presentation2014
14Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Trizac, E ; Kahl, Gerhard Ground states in asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystalsPräsentation Presentation2014
15Antlanger, Moritz ; Doppelbauer, Günther ; Mazars, Martial ; Kahl, Gerhard Crystal phases of soft spheres systems in a slab geometryArtikel Article2014
16Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Šamaj, Ladislav ; Kahl, Gerhard ; Trizac, Emmanuel Taking one charge off a two-dimensional Wigner crystalArtikel Article2014
17Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Doppelbauer, Günther ; Kahl, Gerhard Ordered structures in confined soft particle systemsPräsentation Presentation2013
18Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Samaj, L ; Kahl, Gerhard Ground states in classical asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystalsPräsentation Presentation2013
19Antlanger, Moritz ; Mazars, Martial ; Doppelbauer, Günther ; Kahl, Gerhard Crystal phases of soft spheres in slit-pore geometryPräsentation Presentation2013
20Antlanger, Moritz ; Kahl, Gerhard Wigner crystals for a planar, equimolar binary mixture of classical, charged particlesArtikel Article2013