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Murín, J.

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Murín, J. ; Aminbaghai, M. ; Kutiš, V. ; Královič, V. ; Sedlár, T. ; Goga, V. ; Mang, H. A New 3D Timoshenko Finite Beam Element Including Non-Uniform Torsion of Open and Closed Cross SectionsArtikel Article2014
2Aminbaghai, M. ; Murín, J. ; Kutiš, V. Modal Analysis of the FGM-Beams with Continuos Transversal Symmetric and Longitudinal Variation of Material Properties with Effect of Large Axial ForceArtikel Article2012