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Brumer, Harry

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Larsbrink, Johan ; Rogers, Theresa E. ; Hemsworth, Glyn R. ; McKee, Lauren S. ; Tauzin, Alexandra S. ; Spadiut, Oliver ; Klinter, Stefan ; Pudlo, Nicholas A. ; Urs, Karthik ; Koropatkin, Nicole M. ; Creagh, A. Louise ; Haynes, Charles A. ; Kelly, Amelia G. ; Cederholm, Stefan Nilsson ; Davies, Gideon J. ; Martens, Eric C. ; Brumer, Harry A discrete genetic locus confers xyloglucan metabolism in select human gut BacteroidetesArtikel Article 27-Feb-2014
2Anasontzis, George E. ; Salazar, Margarita P. ; Spadiut, Oliver ; Brumer, Harry ; Olsson, Lisbeth Effects of Temperature and Glycerol and Methanol-Feeding Profiles on the Production of Recombinant Galactose Oxidase in Pichia pastorisArtikel Article2014