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Duthie, Andrew

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mallow, Ole ; Bolsinger, Jens ; Finke, Pamela ; Hesse, Malte ; Chen, Yu-Sheng ; Duthie, Andrew ; Grabowsky, Simon ; Luger, Peter ; Mebs, Stefan ; Beckmann, Jens Oxygen Transfer from an Intramolecularly Coordinated Diaryltellurium Oxide to Acetonitrile. Formation and Combined AIM and ELI‑D Analysis of a Novel Diaryltellurium AcetimidateArtikel Article 6-Aug-2014
2Beckmann, Jens ; Bolsinger, Jens ; Duthie, Andrew ; Finke, Pamela ; Lork, Enno ; Lüdtke, Carsten ; Mallow, Ole ; Mebs, Stefan Mesityltellurenyl Cations Stabilized by Triphenylpnictogens [MesTe(EPh3) ] + (E = P, As, Sb)Artikel Article2012