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Kanda, Hisao

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Nakagawa, Sachiko T. ; Kanda, Hisao ; Sakai, T. ; Ohishi, H. ; Saito, H. ; Nakagawa, S. ; Banden, Y. ; Betz, Gerhard Molecular Dynamic Simulation fort he NV-N Center Formation by Means of N_{2} Beam Implantation into a DiamondArtikel Article2011
2Nakagawa, Sachiko T. ; Kanda, Hisao ; Betz, Gerhard The Straggling of Dissociation Distance in Molecular Beam ImplantationArtikel Article2010