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O’Shea, D.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1O’Shea, D. ; Junge, C. ; Pöllinger, M. ; Vogler, A. ; Rauschenbeutel, A. All-optical switching and strong coupling using tunable whispering-gallery-mode microresonatorsArtikel Article2011
2Junge, C. ; Nickel, S. ; O’Shea, D. ; Rauschenbeutel, A. Bottle microresonator with actively stabilized evanescent couplingArtikel Article2011
3O’Shea, D. ; Rettenmaier, A. ; Rauschenbeutel, A. Active frequency stabilization of an ultra-high Q whispering-gallery-mode microresonatorArtikel Article2010
4Pöllinger, M. ; O’Shea, D. ; Warken, F. ; Rauschenbeutel, Arno Ultrahigh-Q Tunable Whispering-Gallery-Mode MicroresonatorArtikel Article 2009