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Huber, W

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Winkler, Wolfgang ; Huber, W ; Vlasak, Reinhard ; Allmaier, Günter Positive and negative ion ESI travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry and low energy collision-induced dissociation of sialic acid derivativesArtikel Article2011
2Lopez-Sanchez, Maria ; Ayora-Cañada, Maria Jose ; Molina Díaz, A. ; Siam, Monira ; Huber, W ; Quintas, Guillermo ; Armenta Estrela, Sergio ; Lendl, Bernhard Determination of enzyme activity inhibition by FTIR spectroscopy on the example of fructose bisphosphataseArtikel Article2009