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Mahfouf, J.-F.

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Draper, C. ; Mahfouf, J.-F. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; Martin, E. ; Wagner, W. Assimilation of ASCAT near-surface soil moisture into the SIM hydrological model over FranceArtikel Article2011
2Albergel, C. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; de Rosnay, P. ; Balsamo, G. ; Wagner, W. ; Hasenauer, S. ; Naeimi, V. ; Martin, E. ; Bazile, E. ; Bouyssel, F. ; Mahfouf, J.-F. Cross-evaluation of modelled and remotely sensed surface soil moisture with in-situ data in southwestern FranceArtikel Article2010