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Heitz, Sonia

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Matgen, Patrick ; Fenicia, Fabrizio ; Heitz, Sonia ; Plaza, Douglas ; de Keyser, Robain ; Pauwels, Valentijn R.N. ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Savenije, Hubert Can ASCAT-derived soil wetness indices reduce predictive uncertainty in well-gauged areas? A comparison with in situ observed soil moisture in an assimilation applicationArtikel Article2012
2Matgen, Patrick ; Heitz, Sonia ; Hasenauer, Stefan ; Hissler, Christophe ; Brocca, Luca ; Hoffmann, Lucien ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Savenije, Hubert On the potential of MetOp ASCAT-derived soil wetness indices as a new aperture for hydrological monitoring and prediction: a field evaluation over LuxembourgArtikel Article2012