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Goremychkin, E.A.

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1Weber, Frank ; Rosenkranz, Stephan ; Pintschovius, Lothar ; Castellan, J.-P. ; Osborn, Ray ; Reichardt, W. ; Heid, R. ; Bohnen, Klaus-Peter ; Goremychkin, E.A. ; Kreyssig, Andreas ; Hradil, Klaudia ; Abernathy, D.L. Electron-Phonon Coupling in the Conventional Superconductor YNi₂B₂C at High Phonon Energies Studied by Time-of-Flight Neutron SpectroscopyArtikel Article 31-Jul-2012
2Sondezi-Mhlungu, B.M. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Strydom, A.M. ; Paschen, S. ; Goremychkin, E.A. Crystal electric field excitations in ferromagnetic CeTX compoundsArtikel Article2009
3Bauer, E. ; Grytsiv, A. ; Rogl, P. ; Kockelmann, W. ; Hillier, A.D. ; Goremychkin, E.A. ; Adroja, D.T. ; Park, J.-G. Neutron scattering and μSR studies on the skutterudite Pr0.73Fe4Sb12Artikel Article 2007