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Ferreira, R.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Carosella, F. ; Ndebeka-Bandou, C. ; Ferreira, R. ; Dupont, E. ; Unterrainer, K. ; Strasser, G. ; Wacker, A. ; Bastard, G. Free-carrier absorption in quantum cascade structuresArtikel Article2012
2Carosella, F. ; Ferreira, R. ; Strasser, G. ; Unterrainer, K. ; Bastard, G. Blueshift of intersubband magneto-optical transitions linked to void states of thin barriers in multiple quantum well structuresArtikel Article2010
3Ferreira, R. ; Bastard, G. ; Sirtori, C. ; Strasser, G. ; Unterrainer, K. Two-electron states bound to interface defects in quantum cascade lasers subjected to a strong magnetic fieldArtikel Article2007