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Rueff, J.P.

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1Hansmann, Philipp ; Haverkort, M.W. ; Toschi, Alessandro ; Sangiovanni, Giorgio ; Rodolakis, F. ; Rueff, J.P. ; Marsi, M. ; Held, Karsten Atomic and itinerant effects at the transition-metal x-ray absorption K pre-edge exemplified in the case of V₂O₃Artikel Article 30-Mar-2012
2Rodolakis, F. ; Hansmann, Philipp ; Rueff, J.P. ; Toschi, Alessandro ; Haverkort, M.W. ; Sangiovanni, Giorgio ; Tanaka, A. ; Saha-Dasgupta, Tanusri ; Andersen, O. K. ; Held, Karsten ; Sikora, M. ; Alliot, I. ; Itié, J.-P. ; Baudelet, F. ; Wzietek, P. ; Metcalf, P. ; Marsi, M. Inequivalent Routes across the Mott Transition in V₂O₃ Explored by X-Ray AbsorptionArtikel Article 2010