Full name Familienname, Vorname
Imambekov, A.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Manz, S. ; Bücker, R. ; Betz, T. ; Koller, Ch. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Mazets, I. E. ; Imambekov, A. ; Demler, E. ; Perrin, A. ; Schmiedmayer, J. ; Schumm, T. Two-point density correlations of quasicondensates in free expansionArtikel Article2010
2Imambekov, A. ; Mazets, Igor ; Petrov, D. S. ; Gritsev, V. ; Manz, Stefanie ; Hofferberth, S. ; Schumm, Thorsten ; Demler, E. ; Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg Density ripples in expanding low-dimensional gases as a probe of correlationsArtikel Article2009
3Hofferberth, S. ; Lesanovsky, I. ; Schumm, T. ; Imambekov, A. ; Gritsev, V. ; Demler, E. ; Schmiedmayer, J. Probing quantum and thermal noise in an interacting many-body systemArtikel Article2008