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Ivanov, Y. Vu.

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1Issing, S. ; Fuchs, F. ; Ziereis, C. ; Batke, E. ; Pimenov, A. ; Ivanov, Y. Vu. ; Mukhin, A. A. ; Geurts, J. Lattice dynamics of Eu1-xYxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)Artikel Article2010
2Issing, S. ; Pimenov, A. ; Ivanov, Y. Vu. ; Mukhin, A. A. ; Geurts, J. Spin-phonon coupling in multiferroic manganites RMnO3: comparison of pure (R = Eu, Gd, Tb) and substituted (R = Eu1-xYx) compoundsArtikel Article2010