Full name Familienname, Vorname
Berkebile, S.

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1DonĂ¡, E. ; Loerting, T. ; Penner, S. ; Minca, M. ; Menzel, A. ; Bertel, Erminald ; Schoiswohl, J. ; Berkebile, S. ; Netzer, F.P. ; Zucca, Rinaldo ; Redinger, Josef Fluctuations and Phase Separation in a Quasi-One-Dimensional SystemArtikel Article2007
2DonĂ¡, E. ; Loerting, T. ; Penner, S. ; Minca, M. ; Menzel, A. ; Bertel, Erminald ; Schoiswohl, J. ; Berkebile, S. ; Netzer, F.P. ; Zucca, Rinaldo ; Redinger, Josef Fluctuations and phase separation in Br/Pt(110)Artikel Article2007