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Andersson, L.M.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Krüger, P. ; Andersson, L.M. ; Wildermuth, S. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Haller, E. ; Aigner, Simon ; Groth, S. ; Bar-Joseph, I. ; Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg Potential roughness near lithographically fabricated atom chipsArtikel Article2007
2Lesanovsky, I. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Andersson, L.M. ; Krüger, P. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg ; Schumm, Thorsten Adiabatic radio-frequency potentials for the coherent manipulation of matter wavesArtikel Article2006
3Krüger, P. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Lesanovsky, I. ; Wildermuth, S. ; Groth, S. ; Bar-Joseph, I. ; Andersson, L.M. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg ; Schumm, Thorsten A double well interferometer on an atom chipArtikel Article2006
4Schumm, T. ; Hofferberth, S. ; Andersson, L.M. ; Wildermuth, S. ; Groth, S. ; Bar-Joseph, I. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg ; Krüger, P. Matter-wave interferometry in a double well on an atom chipArtikel Article2005
5Feenstra, L. ; Andersson, L.M. ; Schmiedmayer, Jörg Microtraps and Atom Chips: Toolboxes for cold atom physicsArtikel Article2004