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Protasov, K.V.

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1Westphal, A. ; Abele, H. ; Baeßler, S. ; Nesvizhevsky, V.V. ; Protasov, K.V. ; Voronin, A.Y. A quantum mechanical description of the experiment on the observation of gravitationally bound statesArtikel Article2007
2Nesvizhevsky, V. V. ; Petoukhov, Alexandr ; Börner, H. ; Protasov, K.V. ; Voronin, A.Y. ; Westphal, A. ; Baessler, S. ; Abele, Hartmut ; Gagarski, A. Reply to the Comment on "Measurement of quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational fieldArtikel Article 2003