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Alt, W

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Khudaverdyan, M ; Alt, W ; Dotsenko, I ; Kampschulte, T ; Lenhard, K ; Rauschenbeutel, A ; Reick, S ; Schörner, K ; Widera, A ; Meschede, D Controlled insertion and retrieval of atoms coupled to a high-finesse optical resonatorArtikel Article2008
2Miroshnychenko, Y ; Alt, W ; Dotsenko, I ; Förster, L ; Khudaverdyan, M ; Rauschenbeutel, A ; Meschede, D Precision preparation of strings of trapped neutral atomsArtikel Article2006
3Förster, L ; Alt, W ; Dotsenko, I ; Khudaverdyan, M ; Meschede, D ; Miroshnychenko, Y ; Reick, S ; Rauschenbeutel, A Number-triggered loading and collisional redistribution of neutral atoms in a standing wave dipole trapArtikel Article2006