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Shamsipur, Mojtaba

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Sharif, M.A. ; Aghabozorg, Hossein ; Shokrollahi, Ardeshir ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Moghimi, Amir ; Shamsipur, Mojtaba Novel Proton Transfer Compounds Containing 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid and Melamine and Their Pbᴵᴵ Complex: Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure and Solution StudiesArtikel Article2006
2Moghimi, Amir ; Sheshmani, Shabnam ; Shokrollahi, Ardeshir ; Shamsipur, Mojtaba ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Aghabozorg, Hossein Crystal structures and solution studies of two novel zinc(II) complexes of a proton transfer compound obtained from 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline: Observation of strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds.Artikel Article2005
3Sheshmani, Shabnam ; Kheirollahi, Parvaneh Dalir ; Aghabozorg, Hossein ; Shokrollahi, Ardeshir ; Kickelbick, Guido ; Shamsipur, Mojtaba ; Ramezanipour, Farshid ; Moghimi, Amir Synthesis and Crystal Structure of CeIII and BiIII Complexes and Solution Studies of ZnII, CdII, PbII, CeIII, and BiIII Complexes Obtained from Proton Transfer Compounds Containing 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylate IonArtikel Article2005