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Cvitanic, Irena

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Schreiber, Heide ; Behrendt, H ; Constantinescu, Lucian Teodor ; Cvitanic, Irena ; Drumea, Dimitru ; Jabucar, Dalila ; Juran, Stanislav ; Pataki, Beata ; Snishko, Sergey ; Zessner, Matthias Nutrient emissions from diffuse and point sources into the River Danube and its main tributaries for the period of 1998-2000 - results and problemsArtikel Article2005
2Schreiber, Heide ; Behrendt, H ; Constantinescu, Lucian Teodor ; Cvitanic, Irena ; Drumea, Dimitru ; Jabucar, Dalila ; Juran, Stanislav ; Pataki, Beata ; Snishko, Sergey ; Zessner, Matthias Point and diffuse nutrient emissions and loads in the transboundary Danube River Basin, I. A modelling approachArtikel Article2005