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Bertarione, Serena

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1Bertarione, Serena ; Scarano, Domenica ; Zecchina, Adriano ; Johanek, Victor ; Hoffmann, Jens ; Schauermann, Svetlana ; Libuda, Jörg ; Rupprechter, Günther ; Freund, H.-J. Surface reactivity of polycrystalline MgO supported Pd nanoparticles as compared to thin film model catalysts: Infrared study of CO adsorptionArtikel Article2004
2Bertarione, Serena ; Scarano, Domenica ; Zecchina, Adriano ; Johanek, Victor ; Hoffmann, Jens ; Schauermann, Svetlana ; Frank, Martin ; Libuda, Jörg ; Rupprechter, Günther ; Freund, H.-J. Surface reactivity of polycrystalline MgO supported Pd nanoparticles as compared to thin film "model catalysts: Infrared study of CH3OH adsorptionArtikel Article2004