Full name Familienname, Vorname
Pasi, Gabriella
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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kusa, Wojciech ; Mendoza, Óscar E ; Knoth, Petr ; Pasi, Gabriella ; Hanbury, Allan Effective matching of patients to clinical trials using entity extraction and neural re-rankingArticle Artikel Aug-2023
2Mendoza-2022-Benchmark for Research Theme Classification of Scholarly Doc...-vor.pdf.jpgMendoza, Oscar ; Kusa, Wojciech ; El-Ebshihy, Alaa Mohamed ; Wu, Ronin ; Pride, David ; Knoth, Petr ; Herrmannova, Drahomira ; Piroi, Florina ; Pasi, Gabriella ; Hanbury, Allan Benchmark for Research Theme Classification of Scholarly DocumentsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Oct-2022
3Kusa-2022-DoSSIER at MedVidQA 2022 Text-based Approaches to Medical Video...-vor.pdf.jpgKusa, Wojciech ; Peikos, Georgios ; Espitia Mendoza, Óscar ; Hanbury, Allan ; Pasi, Gabriella DoSSIER at MedVidQA 2022: Text-based Approaches to Medical Video Answer Localization ProblemInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag May-2022