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Zeilinger, Susanne

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kirnbauer, Stefan ; Missbach, Kristina ; Flatschacher, Daniel ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Zeilinger, Susanne ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina Visualizing fungal secondary metabolites on an agar-based confrontation assayPräsentation Presentation2021
2Reismann, Alexander W.A.F. ; Atanasova, Lea ; Zeilinger, Susanne ; Schütz, Gerhard J. Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy to Study Protein Organization in the Filamentous Fungus Trichoderma atrovirideArtikel Article 2020
3Schmoll, Monika ; Zeilinger, Susanne Resistance Marker- and Gene Gun-Mediated Transformation of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
4Zeilinger, Susanne ; Atanasova, Lea Sensing and regulation of mycoparasitism-relevant processes in TrichodermaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
5Karimi Aghcheh, Razieh ; Bok, Jin Woo ; Phatale, Pallavi ; Smith, Kristina M. ; Baker, Scott E. ; Lichius, Alexander ; Omann, Markus ; Zeilinger, Susanne ; Seiboth, Bernhard ; Rhee, Catherine ; Keller, Nancy P. ; Freitag, Michael ; Kubicek, Christian Peter Functional Analyses of Trichoderma reesei LAE1 Reveal Conserved and Contrasting Roles of This RegulatorArtikel Article 1-Feb-2013

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hinterdobler, Wolfgang ; Beier, Sabrina ; Kindel, Stefanie ; Schmoll, Monika Sexual development, its determinants, and regulation in Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
2Zeilinger, Susanne ; Atanasova, Lea Sensing and regulation of mycoparasitism-relevant processes in TrichodermaBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
3Manner, Susanne Identification of G protein signalling dependent and biocontrol related genes of Trichoderma atroviride using subtractive hybridizationThesis Hochschulschrift2005
4Peissl, Isabel Charakterisierung von Tga1 und Tga3, zwei [alpha]-Untereinheiten der heterotrimeren G-Proteine, sowie der MAP - Kinase Tmk1 von Trichoderma atroviride P1 hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für den MykoparasitismusThesis Hochschulschrift2004