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Vorlaufer, Georg

Results 1-20 of 43 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Rudnytskyj, André ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Leimhofer, Josef ; Jech, Martin ; Gachot, Carsten Estimating the real contact area in lubricated hot rolling of aluminiumArticle Artikel 2023
2Rudnytskyj-2022-International Journal of Mechanical Sciences-vor.pdf.jpgRudnytskyj, André ; Varga, Markus ; Krenn, Stefan ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Leimhofer, Josef ; Jech, Martin ; Gachot, Carsten Investigating the relationship of hardness and flow stress in metal formingArticle Artikel 15-Oct-2022
3Pfeiffer, Pia ; Ronai, Bettina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Dörr, Nicole ; Filzmoser, Peter Weighted LASSO variable selection for the analysis of FTIR spectra applied to the prediction of engine oil degradationArticle Artikel 15-Sep-2022
4Pfeiffer, Pia ; Ronai, Bettina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Dörr, Nicole ; Filzmoser, Peter Prediction of engine oil degradation based on FTIR spectroscopic dataPresentation Vortrag15-Sep-2022
5Pfeiffer, Pia ; Ronai, Bettina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Dörr, Nicole ; Filzmoser, Peter Prediction of engine oil degradation based on FTIR spectra and weighted LASSO regressionPresentation Vortrag21-Jun-2022
6Prost-2022-Tribology International-vor.pdf.jpgProst, Josef ; Boidi, Guido ; Varga, Markus ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Eder, Stefan Lifetime assessment of porous journal bearings using joint time-frequency analysis of real-time sensor dataArticle Artikel May-2022
7Pfeiffer, Pia ; Ronai, Bettina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Dörr, Nicole ; Filzmoser, Peter Weighted LASSO feature selection for the analysis of FT-IR spectra applied to relate engine oil degradation patternsPresentation Vortrag28-Apr-2022
8Rudnytskyj, André ; Varga, Markus ; Krenn, Stefan ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Leimhofer, Josef ; Jech, Martin ; Gachot, Carsten Investigating the relationship of hardness and flow stress in metal formingArticle Artikel 2022
9Ronai, Bettina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Dörr, Nicole ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Allmaier, Günter Evaluation of chemical and tribometrical data of engine oils by multivarate statisticsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
10Müser, Martin H. ; Dapp, Wolf B. ; Bugnicourt, Romain ; Sainsot, Philippe ; Lesaffre, Nicolas ; Lubrecht, Ton. A. ; Persson, Bo N.J. ; Harris, Kathryn ; Bennett, Alexander ; Schulze, Kyle ; Rohde, Sean ; Ifju, Peter ; Sawyer, W. Gregory ; Angelini, Thomas ; Esfahani, Hossein Ashtari ; Kadkhdaei, Mahmoud ; Wu, Jiunn-Jong ; Vorlaufer, G. ; Vernes, András ; Greenwood, James A. Meeting the Contact-Mechanics ChallengeArtikel Article 16-Aug-2017
11Bedolla, P.O. ; Vorlaufer, G. ; Sequard-Base, P. ; Vernes, Andras ; Franek, F. Altitude dependence of electrohydrodynamic flow in an electrostatic lifterArtikel Article Jul-2017
12Neacşu, Ioana Adina ; Scheichl, Bernhard ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Eder, Stefan J. ; Franek, Friedrich ; Ramonat, Lutz Experimental validation of the simulated steady-state behaviour of porous journal bearingsArtikel Article 2016
13Neacșu, Ioana Adina ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Eder, Stefan J. ; Scheichl, Bernhard ; Franek, Friedrich On the Steady-State Behaviour of Porous Journal Bearings - Bridging the Gap between Simulation and ExperimentsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2016
14Bianchi, D. ; Katona, L. ; Brenner, J. ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Vernes, András ; Werner, Wolfgang S.M. Numerical approximation of AR-XPS spectra for rough surfaces considering the effect of electron shadowingArtikel Article 2015
15Neacșu, Ioana Adina ; Scheichl, Bernhard ; Rojacz, Harald ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Varga, Markus ; Schmid, Herbert ; Heiss, Josef Transient thermal-stress analysis of steel slag pots: impact of the solidifying-slag layer on heat transfer and wearArtikel Article 2015
16Krenn, Stefan ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Scheichl, Bernhard ; Haberda, Erwin ; Grafl, Alexander Modellierung und FEM-Simulation derr Hydrodynamik in Kurbeltrieb-Gleitlagers / Modelling and FEM simulation of the hydrodynamics in crank mechanism journal bearingsArtikel Article 2013
17Ilincic, S ; Vernes, A ; Vorlaufer, G ; Hunger, H ; Dörr, N ; Franek, F Numerical estimation of wear in reciprocating tribological experimentsArtikel Article 2013
18Vernes, András ; Eder, Stefan ; Vorlaufer, Georg ; Betz, Gerhard On the three-term kinetic friction law in nanotribological systemsArtikel Article 2012
19Katona, L. ; Bianchi, D. ; Brenner, J. ; Vorlaufer, G. ; Vernes, András Effect of surface roughness on angle-resolved XPSArtikel Article 2012
20Eder, S ; Vernes, A ; Vorlaufer, G ; Betz, G Molecular dynamics simulations of mixed lubrication with smooth particle post-processingArtikel Article 2011