Full name Familienname, Vorname
Zok, Dorian
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Staeger-2023-Environmental Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgStäger, Felix ; Zok, Dorian ; Schiller, Anna-Katharina ; Feng, Bin ; Steinhauser, Georg Disproportionately high contributions of 60 Year old weapons-¹³⁷Cs explain the persistence of radioactive contamination in Bavarian wild boarsArticle Artikel 12-Sep-2023
2Steinhauser, Georg ; Stäger, Felix ; Zok, Dorian ; Feng, Bin Using ¹³⁵Cs/¹³⁷Cs as a signature in environmental nuclear forensicsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag12-May-2023
3Masson, O. ; Steinhauser, Georg ; Zok, Dorian ; SAUNIER, Olivier ; Angelov, H. ; Babic, D. ; Bečková, Vera ; Bieringer, J. ; Bruggeman, M. ; Burbidge, Christopher ; Conil, Sebastien ; Dalheimer, A. ; De Geer, Lars-Erik ; de Vismes Ott, Anne ; Eleftheriadis, K. ; Estier, Sybille ; Fischer, Helmut ; Garavaglia, Massimo Giorgio ; Gasco Leonarte, Catalina ; Hainz, Dieter ; Saey, Paul ; Zorko, Benjamin Airborne concentrations and chemical considerations of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major nuclear release in 2017Artikel Article 2019