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Liu, Yunxin

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Xu, Zhenghua ; Zhang, Xudong ; Zhang, Hexiang ; Liu, Yunxin ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas EFPN: Effective medical image detection using feature pyramid fusion enhancementArticle Artikel Sep-2023
2Xu, Zhenghua ; Li, Tianrun ; Liu, Yunxin ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Chen, Junyang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas PAC-Net: Multi-pathway FPN with position attention guided connections and vertex distance IoU for 3D medical image detectionArticle Artikel 2-Feb-2023
3Yuan, Di ; Liu, Yunxin ; Xu, Zhenghua ; Zhan, Yuefu ; Chen, Junyang ; Lukasiewicz, Thomas Painless and accurate medical image analysis using deep reinforcement learning with task-oriented homogenized automatic pre-processingArticle Artikel Feb-2023