Full name Familienname, Vorname
Banu, Rareş
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Mueller-2023-Communications Chemistry-vor.pdf.jpgMüller, Nicole ; Banu, Rareş ; Loxha, Adea ; Schrenk, Florian ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Llorca, Jordi ; Timoshenko, Janis ; Marini, Carlo ; Barrabés, Noelia Dynamic behaviour of platinum and copper dopants in gold nanoclusters supported on ceria catalystsArticle Artikel Dec-2023
2Truttmann-2023-ACS Nano-vor.pdf.jpgTruttmann, Vera ; Loxha, Adea ; Banu, Rareş ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Malola, Sami ; Matus, María Francisca ; Wang, Yuchen ; Ploetz, Elizabeth A ; Rupprechter, Günther ; Bürgi, Thomas ; Häkkinen, Hannu ; Aikens, Christine ; Barrabés, Noelia Directing intrinsic chirality in gold nanoclusters: preferential formation of stable enantiopure clusters in high yield and experimentally unveiling the "super" chirality of Au144Article Artikel 24-Oct-2023
3Müller, Nicole ; Banu, Rareş ; Loxha, Adea ; Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Schrenk, Florian ; Barrabés Rabanal, Noelia Synergetic effect of Pt,Cu and Au in metal nanoclusters on CeO2 as atomically precise active sites for WGS reaction: structural dynamics by operando XAFS and DRIFTS studiesInproceedings KonferenzbeitragSep-2023
4Barrabés Rabanal, Noelia ; Banu, Rareş ; Mengual, Jesus ; Palomares Gimeno, Antonio Eduardo ; Rey, Fernando Tuning the Au nanocluster catalyst activity in the selective alkyne semihydrogenation reaction: ligand and support effectInproceedings KonferenzbeitragSep-2023