Full name Familienname, Vorname
Stumptner, Maja
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Steiner, Lena ; Horvath, Josef Alexander ; Stumptner, Maja ; Reichebner, J. A. ; Hocq, Remi Vincent ; Benedikt, Florian ; Bartik, Alexander ; Müller, Stefan ; Pflügl, Stefan Gas fermentation goes thermophilic: Thermoanaerobacter kivui as a promising host for acetogenic fermentation of syngas from biomass gasificationPresentation Vortrag14-Aug-2024
2Steiner, Lena ; Horvath, Josef Alexander ; Stumptner, Maja ; Reichebner, J. A. ; Hocq, Remi Vincent ; Benedikt, Florian ; Bartik, Alexander ; Müller, Stefan ; Pflügl, Stefan Gas fermentation goes thermophilic: Thermoanaerobacter kivui as a promising host for acetogenic fermentation of syngas from biomass gasificationPresentation Vortrag6-Aug-2024
3Pflügl, Stefan ; Hocq, Remi Vincent ; Horvath, Josef Alexander ; Stumptner, Maja ; Steiner, Lena Gas fermentation goes thermophilic: Thermoanaerobacter kivui as a promising host for acetogenic fermentation of syngas from biomass gasificationPresentation Vortrag5-Jun-2024
4Pflügl, Stefan ; Hocq, Remi Vincent ; Horvath, Josef Alexander ; Stumptner, Maja ; Steiner, Lena Biotechnological upgrading of gaseous carbon streams in the circular carbon economyPresentation Vortrag3-Apr-2024
5Stumptner Maja - 2024 - Investigating physiology and metabolism of...pdf.jpgStumptner, Maja Investigating physiology and metabolism of Thermoanaerobacter kivui in continuous gas fermentationThesis Hochschulschrift 2024