Full name Familienname, Vorname
Klebel-Knobloch, Benjamin
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Klebel-Knobloch, Benjamin ; Tabis, Wojciech ; Gala, M. A. ; Barisic, O. S. ; Sunko, D. K. ; Barisic, Neven High-Tc cuprates – story of two electronic subsystemsPresentation Vortrag5-Sep-2023
2Klebel-Knobloch-2023-Scientific Reports-vor.pdf.jpgKlebel-Knobloch, Benjamin ; Tabis, Wojciech ; Gala, M A ; Barisic, O. S. ; Sunko, D. K. ; Barisic, Neven Transport properties and doping evolution of the Fermi surface in cupratesArticle Artikel 21-Aug-2023
3Kumar, C. M.N. ; Akrap, A. ; Homes, C. C. ; Martino, E. ; Klebel-Knobloch, B. ; Tabis, W. ; Barišić, O. S. ; Sunko, D. K. ; Barišić, N. Experimentally Established Universal and Non-Universal Properties that Define the Physics of CupratesPresentation Vortrag26-Jun-2023
4Klebel-Knobloch, B ; Tabiś, W ; Gala, M A ; Barišić, O S ; Sunko, D K ; Barišić, N Optical conductivity of cuprates in a new lightPresentation Vortrag14-Jun-2023
5Kumar, C. M.N. ; Akrap, A. ; Homes, C. C. ; Martino, E. ; Klebel-Knobloch, B. ; Tabis, W. ; Barišić, O. S. ; Sunko, D. K. ; Barišić, N. High-Tc cuprates – story of two electronic subsystemsPresentation Vortrag18-May-2023
6Kumar, C. M.N. ; Akrap, A. ; Homes, C. C. ; Martino, E. ; Klebel-Knobloch, B. ; Tabis, W. ; Barišić, O. S. ; Sunko, D. K. ; Barišić, N. Characterization of two electronic subsystems in cuprates through optical conductivityArticle Artikel 1-Apr-2023
7Klebel-Knobloch, B ; Tabiś, W ; Gala, M A ; Barišić, O S ; Sunko, D K ; Barišić, N Dual nature of charges in high-Tc cupratesPresentation Vortrag23-Feb-2023
8Klebel-Knobloch, B. ; Schäfer, T. ; Toschi, A. ; Tomczak, J. M. Anisotropy of electronic correlations: On the applicability of local theories to layered materialsArtikel Article 2021
9Klebel-Knobloch Benjamin - 2019 - Cuprates electrical resistivity under uniaxial...pdf.jpgKlebel-Knobloch, Benjamin Cuprates: electrical resistivity under uniaxial pressureThesis Hochschulschrift 2019