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Schmid, M.

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hafner Selina, Syngas production for dme synthesis from sorption enhanced  gasification of biomass, A pilot plant-based case study.pdf.jpgHafner, s. ; Schmid, M. ; Scheffknecht, G. Syngas production for DME synthesis from Sorption Enhanced Gasification of Biomass: A Pilot Plant-based Case StudyInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2019
2Alexewicz, Alexander ; Ostermaier, C ; Pozzovivo, Gianmauro ; Schrenk, Werner ; Schmid, M. ; Toth, L. ; Pecz, B ; Carlin, Jean-François ; Gonschorek, Marcus ; Grandjean, Nicolas ; Kuzmik, Jan ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Strasser, Gottfried Microstructural and Electrical Analyses of Oxygen Diffusion into Iridium Metal GatesPräsentation Presentation2011
3Alexewicz, Alexander ; Ostermaier, Clemens ; Pozzovivo, Gianmauro ; Schrenk, Werner ; Schmid, M. ; Toth, L. ; Pecz, B ; Carlin, Jean-François ; Gonschorek, Marcus ; Grandjean, Nicolas ; Kuzmik, Jan ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Strasser, Gottfried Microstructural and Electrical Analyses of Oxygen Diffusion into Iridium Metal GatesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010