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Treusch, Klara

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1Treusch, Klara ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus ; Pucher, Peter ; Müller, Stefan ; Painer, Daniela ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus Hydrocarbon production by continuous hydrodeoxygenation of liquid phase pyrolysis oil with biogenous hydrogen rich synthesis gasArtikel Article 2019
2Treusch, Klara ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus ; Pucher, Peter ; Ahn, Edgar ; Müller, Stefan ; Painer, Daniela ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus Continuous hydrodeoxygenation of liquid phase pyrolysis oil with biogenous hydrogen enriched synthesis gas for fuel productionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
3Treusch Klara, Continuous hydrodeoxygenation of liquid phase pyrolysis oil with biogenous hydrogen enriched synthesis gas for fuel production.pdf.jpgTreusch, Klara ; Mauerhofer, Anna Magdalena ; Schwaiger, Nikolaus ; Pucher, Peter ; Ahn, Edgar ; Müller, Stefan ; Painer, Daniela ; Hofbauer, Hermann ; Siebenhofer, Matthäus Continuous hydrodeoxygenation of liquid phase pyrolysis oil with biogenous hydrogen enriched synthesis gas for fuel productionInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2019