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Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 57 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet ; Hasengst, Florian ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard ; Formayer, Herbert ; Philipp Maier ; Leidinger, David ; Nadeem, Imram The impact of climate change on future electricity generation and demand patterns in EuropeInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag21-Dec-2023
2Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette Die Rolle von Flexibilität in Stromsystemen mit hohem Anteil variabler erneuerbarer EnergienPresentation Vortrag19-Oct-2023
3Formayer-2023-Scientific Data-vor.pdf.jpgFormayer, Herbert ; Nadeem, Imran ; Leidinger, David ; Maier, Philipp ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Suna, Demet ; Resch, Gustav ; Totschnig Gerhard ; Lehner, Fabian SECURES-Met: A European meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling applicationsArticle Artikel 7-Sep-2023
4Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet ; Hasengst, Florian ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Widhalm, Peter The impact of climate change on electricity generation and demand profilesPresentation Vortrag26-Jul-2023
5Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Sensfuß, Frank Energy system modelling of renewable energy and related energy infrastructure needsBook Contribution Buchbeitrag14-Jul-2023
6Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet ; Hasengst, Florian ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard ; Widhalm, Peter ; Formayer, Herbert ; Philipp Maier ; Leidinger, David ; Imram Nadeem The impact of climate change on electricity generation and demand profiles in Europe until 2100Presentation Vortrag29-Jun-2023
7Suna, Demet ; Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Hasengst, Florian ; Totschnig Gerhard SECURES: Securing Austria’s electricity supply in times of climate change – overview on scenario design and modelling assumptionsPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
8Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard SECURES: Securing Austria's Electricity Supply In Times Of Climate Change – Results And Conclusions From The Model-Based AnalysisPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
9Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Suna, Demet ; Hasengst, Florian ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig Gerhard ; Formayer, Herbert ; Philipp Maier ; Leidinger, David Modelling the impact of climate change on electricity generation and demandPresentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
10Formayer, Herbert ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Resch, Gustav ; Hasengst, Florian ; Suna, Demet ; Pardo-Garcia, Nicolas ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Nadeem, Imram ; Maier, Philipp ; Leidinger, David An European wide meteorological data set suitable for electricity modelling (supply and demand for actual climate and climate change projections)Presentation Vortrag15-Feb-2023
11Schoeniger Franziska - 2023 - The role of flexibility in electricity systems...pdf.jpgSchöniger, Franziska The role of flexibility in electricity systems with high shares of variable renewable energyThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
12Mascherbauer, Philipp ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Kranzl, Lukas ; Yu, Songmin Impact of variable electricity price on heat pump operated buildingsArticle Artikel 7-Dec-2022
13Schöniger, Franziska ; Resch, Gustav ; Kleinschmitt, Christoph ; Franke, Katja ; Thonig, Richard ; Lilliestam, Johan The Need for Dispatchable RES: A Closer Look at the Future Role of CSP in EuropeBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2-Nov-2022
14Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Thonig, Richard ; Resch, Gustav ; Lilliestam, Johan Making the Sun Shine at Night: Comparing the Cost of Dispatchable Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics with StorageBook Contribution BuchbeitragNov-2022
15Totschnig Gerhard ; Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Esterl Tara Assessing flexibility demand and supply in the Austrian electricity market by 2020/2030Presentation Vortrag24-Sep-2022
16Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Morawetz, Ulrich ; Resch, Gustav ; Haas, Reinhard The impact of fluctuating renewables on flexibility needs in electricity systemsPresentation Vortrag23-Sep-2022
17Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette A novel approach for supporting the strong uptake of wind energy in AustriaPresentation Vortrag23-Sep-2022
18Schoeniger-2022-Energy Economics-vor.pdf.jpgSchöniger, Franziska ; Morawetz, Ulrich What comes down must go up: Why fluctuating renewable energy does not necessarily increase electricity spot price variance in EuropeArticle Artikel Jul-2022
19Resch, Gustav ; Geipel, Jasper Lux ; Liebmann, Lukas ; Hiesl, Albert ; Hasengst, Florian ; Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Diallo, Alfa ; Kitzing, Lena D8.5, June 2022. Technical Report on the Modelling of RES auctions – Summary report on modelling activities undertaken in the course of AURES IIReport BerichtJun-2022
20Suna, Demet ; Totschnig, Gerhard ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Resch, Gustav ; Spreitzhofer, Johanna ; Esterl, Tara Assessment of flexibility needs and options for a 100% renewable electricity system by 2030 in AustriaArticle Artikel 27-May-2022

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).