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Anic, Kresimir

Results 1-20 of 46 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Yigit, Nevzat ; Lukashuk, Liliana ; Anic, Kresimir ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Föttinger, Karin ; Rupprechter, Günther Operando Studies of Cobalt Oxide by NAP-XPS, XAS and Infrared: Commercial and Model CatalystsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
2Anić, Krešimir Cobalt oxide model catalysts on Ir(100): structure, adsorption and reactivityThesis Hochschulschrift2018
3Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Anic, Kresimir ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Rameshan, Rafael ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Knudsen, Jan ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther In situ NAP-XPS Spectroscopy during Methane Dry Reforming on ZrO2/Pt(111) Inverse Model CatalystArtikel Article 2018
4Anic, Kresimir ; Lukashuk, Liliana ; Yigit, Nevzat ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Föttinger, Karin ; Rupprechter, Günther Operando studies of working cobalt oxide catalysts by XAS, NAP-XPS and infrared: applied and model catalysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
5Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Anic, Kresimir ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Knudsen, Jan ; Bluhm, Hendrik ; Rupprechter, Günther In-situ NAP-XPS on Oxides - Interaction of Water with SurfacesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
6Rameshan, Christoph ; Anic, Kresimir ; Rupprechter, Günther Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - Surface Reactivity towards CO and H2OKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
7Anic, Kresimir ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Bertram, Marion ; Vonk, Vedran ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Libuda, Jörg ; Stierle, Andreas ; Rupprechter, Günther Cobalt Oxide Model CatalystsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
8Anic, Kresimir ; Lukashuk, Liliana ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Yigit, Nevzat ; Föttinger, Karin ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Rupprechter, Günther Operando studies of working cobalt oxide catalysts by synchotron-based XPS and XAS at atmospheric pressure: surface science and applied catalysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
9Anic, Kresimir ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Rupprechter, Günther Cobalt oxide model systems - bridging the pressure gapPräsentation Presentation2016
10Rameshan, Christoph ; Anic, Kresimir ; Bukhtiyarov, Andrey ; Rupprechter, Günther Insights into the catalysis of cobalt oxide - surface reactivity towards CO and H2OPräsentation Presentation2016
11Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Anic, Kresimir ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Rupprechter, Günther Methane dry reforming on an inverse model catalyst: ZrO2/Pt(111)Bericht Report2016
12Anic, Kresimir ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Rupprechter, Günther Surface Hydroxylation studied on Co3O4 Model CatalystBericht Report2016
13Rameshan, Christoph ; Anic, Kresimir ; Rupprechter, Günther Low Temperature CO Oxidation and Water Gas Shift Reaction on Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - In Situ Characterization of the Active PhaseBericht Report2016
14Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Anic, Kresimir ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Rameshan, Rafael ; Knudsen, Jan ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther Methan dry reforming studied on inverse Pt/ZrO2 model catalystKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
15Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Anic, Kresimir ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Rameshan, Rafael ; Knudsen, Jan ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther Methane Dry Reforming studied on Invers Pt/ZrO2 Model CatalystKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
16Rupprechter, Günther ; Li, Hao ; Anic, Kresimir ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Bukhtiyarov, Andrey Model catalysts for reforming and oxidation reactions: ultrathin films of zirconium oxide and cobalt oxideKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
17Anic, Kresimir ; Bukhtiyarov, Andrey V. ; Li, Hao ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Rupprechter, Günther CO Adsorption on Reconstructed Ir(100) Surfaces from UHV to mbar Pressure: A LEED, TPD, and PM-IRAS StudyArtikel Article 2016
18Rupprechter Guenther - 2016 - Surface spectroscopy on UHV-grown and...pdf.jpgRupprechter, Günther ; Anic, Kresimir ; Wolfbeisser, Astrid ; Li, Hao ; Rameshan, Christoph ; Föttinger, Karin ; Bernardi, Johannes Surface spectroscopy on UHV-grown and technological Ni–ZrO2 reforming catalysts: from UHV to operando conditionsArticle Artikel 2016
19Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Anic, Kresimir ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Rameshan, Rafael ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther Methane Dry Reforming studied on Invers Pt/ZrO2 Model CatalystKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
20Rameshan, Christoph ; Li, Hao ; Roiaz, Matteo ; Anic, Kresimir ; Pramhaas, Verena ; Blume, Raoul ; Hävecker, Michael ; Rameshan, Rafael ; Knudsen, Jan ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Rupprechter, Günther Methane Dry Reforming studied on Inverse Pt/ZrO2 Model Catalysts by in-situ SpectroscopyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016