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Lilliestam, Johan

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schöniger, Franziska ; Resch, Gustav ; Kleinschmitt, Christoph ; Franke, Katja ; Thonig, Richard ; Lilliestam, Johan The Need for Dispatchable RES: A Closer Look at the Future Role of CSP in EuropeBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2-Nov-2022
2Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Thonig, Richard ; Resch, Gustav ; Lilliestam, Johan Making the Sun Shine at Night: Comparing the Cost of Dispatchable Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics with StorageBook Contribution BuchbeitragNov-2022
3Resch, Gustav ; Schöniger, Franziska ; Kleinschmitt, Christoph ; Franke, Katja ; Thonig, Richard ; Lilliestam, Johan Deep decarbonization of the European power sector calls for dispatchable CSPInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag12-May-2022
4Schöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Thonig, Richard ; Lilliestam, Johan ; Resch, Gustav Value of Thermal Energy Storage with CSP vs. PVPresentation Vortrag9-Feb-2022
5Schoeniger-2021-Energy Sources Part B Economics, Planning and Policy-vor.pdf.jpgSchöniger, Franziska Bernadette ; Thonig, Richard ; Resch, Gustav ; Lilliestam, Johan Making the sun shine at night: comparing the cost of dispatchable concentrating solar power and photovoltaics with storageArticle Artikel 4-Jan-2021