Full name Familienname, Vorname
Olofsson, Kenneth
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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1Persson-2021-Impact of sample size  empirical results from a hybrid infer...-vor.pdf.jpgPersson, Henrik ; Olofsson, Kenneth ; Holmgren, Johan Impact of sample size – empirical results from a hybrid inference two-phase inventory based on dense laser scanningKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 1-Dec-2021
2de Paula Pires-2021-Influence of distance to the sensor on stem detection...-vor.pdf.jpgde Paula Pires, Raul ; Holmgren, Johan ; Olofsson, Kenneth ; Lindberg, Eva ; Persson, Henrik Jan Influence of distance to the sensor on stem detection with car-mounted mobile laser scannerKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 1-Dec-2021
3Liang, Xinlian ; Hyyppä, Juha ; Kaartinen, Harri ; Lehtomäki, Matti ; Pyörälä, Jiri ; Pfeifer, Norbert ; Holopainen, Markus ; Brolly, Gabor ; Pirotti, Francesco ; Hackenberg, Jan ; Huang, Huabing ; Jo, Hyun-Woo ; Katoh, Masato ; Liu, Luxia ; Mokros, Martin ; Morel, Jules ; Olofsson, Kenneth ; Poveda-Lopez, Jose ; Trochta, Jan ; Wang, Di ; Wang, Yunsheng International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventoriesArtikel Article 24-Jul-2018