Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mehdi-Schulz, Bano
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mehdi-Schulz-2024-Science of the Total Environment-vor.pdf.jpgMehdi-Schulz, Bano ; Zoboli, Ottavia ; Schürz, Christoph ; Strenge, Eva ; Moura Lima, Edberto ; Parajka, Juraj ; Wang, Cong ; Zessner, Matthias ; Schönhart, Martin The impacts of climate change on nitrogen losses to the environment in Austria: A dual model analysis across spatial and temporal scales to support policy decisionsArticle Artikel 25-Mar-2024
2Strenge-2023-Journal of Environmental Management-vor.pdf.jpgStrenge, Eva ; Zoboli, Ottavia ; Mehdi-Schulz, Bano ; Parajka, Juraj ; Schönhart, Martin ; Krampe, Jörg ; Zessner, Matthias Regional nitrogen budgets of agricultural production systems in Austria constrained by natural boundary conditionsArticle Artikel 1-Dec-2023
3Schirpke-2023-Journal of Environmental Management-vor.pdf.jpgSchirpke, Uta ; Tasser, Erich ; Borsky, Stefan ; Braun, Martin ; Eitzinger, Josef ; Gaube, Veronika ; Getzner, Michael ; Glatzel, Stephan ; Gschwantner, Thomas ; Kirchner, Mathias ; Leitinger, Georg ; Mehdi-Schulz, Bano ; Mitter, Hermine ; Scheifinger, Helfried ; Thaler, Sabina ; Thom, Dominik ; Thaler, Thomas Past and future impacts of land-use changes on ecosystem services in AustriaArticle Artikel 1-Nov-2023
4Mwanake-2023-AGRICULTURE-BASEL-vor.pdf.jpgMwanake, Hope ; Mehdi-Schulz, Bano ; Schulz, Karsten ; Kitaka, Nzula ; Olang, Luke O. ; Lederer, Jakob ; Herrnegger, Mathew Agricultural practices and soil and water conservation in the transboundary region of Kenya and Uganda: farmers’ perspectives of current soil erosionArticle Artikel Jul-2023
5Mehdi-Schulz, Bano ; Schürz, Christoph ; Wang, Cong ; Strenge, Eva ; Zoboli, Ottavia ; Zessner-Spitzenberg, Matthias ; Schönhart, Martin ; Jost, Elisabeth ; Schmid, Erwin ; Schulz, Karsten Sustainable nitrogen management under climate change in AustriaReport Bericht10-Oct-2022
6Wang-2021-Atmosphere-vor.pdf.jpgWang, Cong ; Schürz, Christoph ; Zoboli, Ottavia ; Zessner-Spitzenberg, Matthias ; Schulz, Karsten ; Watzinger, Andrea ; Bodner, Gernot ; Mehdi-Schulz, Bano N2O Emissions from Two Austrian Agricultural Catchments Simulated with an N2O Submodule Developed for the SWAT ModelArticle Artikel 28-Dec-2021